St. Nikodim Chapel Slava
10. September 2010 - 12:20
The St. Nikodim Chapel holds a special place in the Eastern American
Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The St. Nikodim Chapel is
located in Mars, Pennsylvania in the Episcopal Headquarters of His Grace
Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, the Diocesan Bishop. The St. Nikodim Chapel
provides a place for His Grace to pray and to serve throughout the year.
The St. Nikodim Chapel is a holy site for prayers for all the clergy,
monastics and faithful of the Diocese, living and departed. Visitors
coming to the Diocesan Headquarters during the year find the St. Nikodim
Chapel to be a source of inspiration and a glory to God in the Serbian
Orthodox tradition.
Hundreds Bid Farewell to Metropolitan Christopher at Funeral Matins
24. August 2010 - 11:50
Hundreds of faithful and clergy from across the United States gathered at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago on Monday night to bid farewell to His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of blessed repose, who fell asleep in the Lord on August 18th.
The Funeral service was celebrated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of America and Canada (OCA), and concelebrated by His Grace Bp. Georgije of Canada, His Grace Bp. Longin of the New Gracanica - Midwest Diocese, His Grace Bp. Mitrophan of the Eastern Diocese, His Grace Bp. Maxim of the Western American Diocese, His Grace Bp. Irinej of Australia and New Zeland, His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel of the Romanian Episcopate (O.C.A.), His Grace Bp. Petar of Cleveland, Vicar of Midwest Diocese (ROCOR), His Grace Bp. Mark - Diocese of Toledo and Midwest (Antiochian Orthodox Church), His Grace Bp. Daniel of Western Eparchy (Ukrainian), His Grace Bp. Demetrios of Mokissos (Greek Metropolitanate of Chicago).
His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia sends condolences
24. August 2010 - 11:58
Syn. No. 1022 23 August 2010 In Belgrade
To the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America, to the Clergy and faithful people of the Metropolitanate of Libertyville-Chicago
News of the passing of Metropolitan Christopher of blessed repose came to us while we were serving the Divine Liturgy on the day of the Lord's Transfiguration. The news was just as unexpected as it was sad. We were informed that His Eminence was afflicted with a serious illness, but no one among us expected that his life on this world would come to an end so quickly. Glory to the Lord for all things! Metropolitan Christopher of blessed repose leaves to his Lord, Whom he served faithfully and devotedly from his days as a student until his last breath. With his natural talents he was almost destined for the holy ministry of priesthood, to which he had committed himself in his youth.