In St Marko`s church held a memorial service for the suffered in the NATO bombing (1999)

In Belgrade His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral served a memorial service for the suffered in the NATO bombing of Serbia and Montenegro (1999), with the concelebration of Bishop Vasilije of Zvornik and Tuzla, Bishop Hrizostom of Zica, Retired Atanasije of Zahumlje and Hercegovina, Bishop Pahomije of Vranje, Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, vicar of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia, and priesthood and deacons, at the church of St Marko, at 5 P.M.

In his speech , Retired Bishop Atanasije of Zahumlje and Hercegovina emphasized that the most important is that we all pray God and to remember all suffered in the NATO aggression to one truthful,pure country which defended its spiritual cradle with a raised head. 

Deeply convinced that historical way of things,as many times before in the past of humankind, will confirm that God is not in force but in justice, so we call the faithful people to pray God for the suffered on the occasion of 10 years since the NATO bombing of our country.