State deputy calls for ban on Satanic Church of Russia

First Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations Ivan Sukharev has sent a request to the Prosecutor General to take action against in the Satanic Church of the Russian Federation. According to the deputy, the organization’s activities offend the religious sensibilities of Russian citizens adhering to traditional faiths, and commits serious crimes, reports Russia Today.

“Satanic sects in our country regularly commit various acts of an aggressive character, including setting Orthodox churches on fire, murder, and much more. The bulk of them are youths and teenagers. Due to the lack of other means for self-realization, teenagers turn to alternative methods, such as joining satanic sects. Therefore, I believe that such religious organizations bear a direct threat to stability in Russian society,” the deputy explained.

It was also reported recently that 1,000s of concerned Russians have appealed to President Putin himself to ban the activities of the Satanic Church. Police departments throughout Russia have received complaints against the Church as well, according to the website of the organization itself.

While the organization denies the crimes attributed to it, it has temporarily suspended its activities until the organization’s administration can address the issue.

The Satanic Church of the Russian Federation is officially registered with the Ministry of Justice, with its own number in the departmental registry.
