

The Committee of the Holy Assembly of Bishops for the preparation of marking the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan as a co-organizer along with the Association of non-government organizations of South-East Europe - CIVIS, Austrian foundation PRO ORIENTE and Swiss PEACE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT FOUNDATION  organizes a promotion of the book - collection of works of the conference participants UNCHANGING VALUE AND PERMANENT ACTUALITY OF THE EDICT OF MILAN - TOWARDS THE GREAT JUBILEE OF 2013, which was  held in Nis, at the St. Sava's House of the Diocese of Nis, from February 24-26 of this year. 

The promotion of the book will be held
in a great amphitheatre of the Faculty of the Orthodox Theology   
(11b Mije Kovacevica str. , Belgrade),
November 3, 2011, beginning at 19:00 hours 

At the promotion  about this collection of works will be discussed by: His Grace Bishop Dr Irinej of Backa, His Grace Bishop Dr Porfirije of Jegar, Professor Dr Bogoljub Sijakovic, monsignor Dr Andrija Kopilovic and Ms. Mirjana Prljevic, the international secretary general of the CIVIS Association.

Central Committee Public Statement: Integration of Roma in European societies

21-24 September 2011
Prague, Czech Republic

The Central Committee of the Conference of European Churches would like to encourage the member churches to make their ministry with and for Roma minorities more visible, and take further steps to overcome barriers between minority and majority communities.

The CEC Central Committee appreciates the adoption of the EU Framework for national strategies for Roma integration by the EU during the Hungarian EU Presidency in June 2011, and wishes to encourage the member and partner organisations to get actively involved in the development of the national strategies.

2nd Episcopal Assembly of Oceania COMMUNIQUE

The members of the 2nd Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania welcomed once again the opportunity to meet in Sydney from October 16-17, 2011, under the chairmanship ex officio of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia.

The Assembly commenced with prayer at the central offices of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, Redfern.

Present were: His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (Ecumenical Patriarchate – Australia), His Eminence Metropolitan Paul (Antiochian Patriarchate),His Grace Bishop Irinej (Serbian Church), His Grace Bishop Mihail (Romanian Church), His Eminence Metropolitan Amphilochios (Ecumenical Patriarchate – New Zealand), His Grace Bishop Ezekiel (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Seraphim (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Nikandros (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Iakovos (Assistant Bishop), the Very Rev.Father Michael Protopopov (representing His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church, who read a letter of greeting from His Eminence MetropolitanHilarion ) and Rev. Father Michael Smolynec (representing His Eminence Archbishop Ioan of Parnassou of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the Diaspora).

Office of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija in the Patriarchate of Pec

At the joint session of the Holy Synod of Bishops and the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of Bishops held in Belgrade on September 14-15 on the occasion of the newest events on the north of Kosovo, also one long-lasting decision was made regarding the activity of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija.

Bearing in mind that Kosovo and Metohija  demand an endeavor of the entire Church and the nation, it is decided to restore the office of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, which was previously led by current Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand, and that it will from now on  have its seat in the Patriarchate of Pec. Its task will be an organisation and documenting the work of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of Bishops, as well as creating an archive and a library regarding  Kosovo and Metohija and developments there in general.

Letter to President of Serbia Mr. Boris Tadic, sent from the extraordinary session of the Holy Synod of Bishops and the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of Bishops

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church
number 1176/11, September 15, 201
in Belgrade

To His Excellency
President of the Republic of Serbia

Dear Mr. President,

We refer you from an extraordinary joint session of the Holy Synod of Bishops and the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of Bishops, we are aware that we are in the hours which are crucial for the survival of our nation and the Church in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as that upcoming days in many ways can choose their future.

Call the Serbian Orthodox people to prayer and fasting for the salvation of our suffered people in Kosovo and Metohija

We, your Patriarch with the Holy Synod of Bishops and the members of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Holy Assembly of Bishops, are deeply concerned because of the danger of the violence threating the people in Kosovo and Metohija, its freedom and sanctities, but full of faith and hope in our Salvation and God, we call our believing Serbian people to three days of  prayer and  fasting (until Sunday): God to forgive us our sins, to reason with men in power and those who have the power not to participate in injustice, trampling on God's and human laws as well as on basic human rights and freedoms, and the decision of the United Nations (Resolution 1244) under which Kosovo and Metohija have been and remained the organic part of Serbia.

At the same time we call our priests, monks and people that in their churches, on Septembar 15,16 and 17 at 6pm to hold a public prayer service for the suffered people of Kosovo and Metohija.