
Patriarh Irinej sends telegrams of condolence to Japanese people and the Japanese Orthodox Church

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch sent the primate of the Japanese Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Daniel, Archbishop of Tokyo and Metropolitan of All Japan, the following telegram:

Your Beatitude, regarding the catastrophic earthquake with a great number of casualties that struck Japan, we pray for You that along with your families of the suffered and all people of Japan receive our sincere and deep condolence. We pray to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who is Resurrection and Life (John 11,25) for the repose of their souls, and give comfort  to You, the families and to all brotherly people of Japan through the grief.

Serbian Patriarch  

His Holiness also sent the telegram of condolence to His Excellency Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki, the Ambassador of Japan in Belgrade. 

Legal proceedings to be initiated for return of New Kalenich Monastery to the Serbian Orthodox Church

The Serbian Orthodox Diocese for Australia and New Zealand New Gracanica Metropolitanate has announced today, with deep regret, that it intends to commence legal proceedings against the Free Serbian Orthodox Church Diocese for Australia and New Zealand Property Trust Limited for breaches of the terms of a charitable trust relating to the Property Trust's use of the St Sava New Kalenich Monastery in Wallaroo, NSW.

Regarding the catastrophic earthquake in Christchurch

God is our refuge and power; a help in afflictions that severely befall us.
Therefore we will not fear when the earth is troubled.
Psalm 46;2-3

Our beloved spiritual children, dear brothers and sisters. Οnly a few months have passed since the horrific earthquake which hit Christchurch and New Zealand in September 2010. Even less time has passed since the earthquake in Kraljevo. We are still recovering from the floods, cyclones and bushfires which have swept over Queensland and Western Australia, and now another catastrophe has come upon us.

2010 Nativity Encyclical of His Holiness Patriarch IRINEJ

The Serbian Orthodox Church

to her spiritual children at Christmas, 2010


By the Grace of God
Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church to all the clergy, monastics, and all the sons and daughters of our Holy Church: grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with the joyous Christmas greeting:

Peace from God! Christ is Born!

Blessed and most joyous news, dear brothers and sisters in Christ the Lord, begins with the words of the Holy Gospel according to Matthew: "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham" (Matthew 1:1). That news reveals and witnesses to us and to everyone, to heaven and to earth, and to all visible and invisible worlds, a two-in-one mystery and truth.

Patriarch IRINEJ expresses condolences to Pope Shenouda III about deadly terror attacks

His Holiness Patriarch IRINEJ expresses condolence to Pope Shenouda III about deadly terror attacks:

"On the sad occasion of the terrorist attack on the Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria, where 21 persons lost theirs lives, We address this sincere condolence to Your Holiness, Coptic Church, to families of the slaughtered, likewise to the all Christian people of Egypt with prayers toward God, for the repose of souls of the innocent people, and comfort of the pain of their beloved ones."

The Communique of The Holy Synod - 16th December 2010

Holy Synod of Bishops at the meeting held on 16th of December this year, addressed the Church and the general public, regarding the anti-church conduct of the former Bishop of Raška and Prizren, now monk Artemije, with the following statement: