

The Great Church Court of the Serbian Orthodox Church was in session on June 11 of this year and then, unanimously, confirmed and in this way strengthen the verdict of the Church Court of the Diocese of Budimlje-Niksic by which protosyngellos Simeon, the former head of the monastery of Banjska near Zvecan, was deprived of the office and monastic rank and brought back among the laity with his lay name Dejan Vilovski and excluded from the church community in three years; and the verdict of the same Court by which monk Antonije, the former brother of the monastery of Crna Reka in Raska, was deprived of the monastic rank, brought back among laity with his lay name Dragan Davidovic and excluded from the church community in two years.

Decisions of the Great Church Court are final and executive.


The Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Delivers: Bishop Dr. Irinej of Backa

Protosyngellos Simeon Vilovski deprived of the monastic status and office and excluded from the church community

The Church Court of the Diocese of Budimlje-Niksic on its session on May 22 in Berane reached a verdict by which protosyngellos Simeon (Vilovski), ex-head of the monastery of Banjska, was deprived of the office and monastic rank and brought back among laymen with a secular name Dejan [1] and excluded from the church community in three years.

Sins Against Nature and God

Once again, in a matter only of a few years, the eyes of the world are turned with suspense toward the Gulf Coast. Sadly, the oil spill is following a path similar to Hurricane Katrina and threatening the coast of Louisiana as well as neighboring states.

A deficiency of intelligence and integrity, a surplus of petty pretentiousness and malice

Mirko Đorđević, self-proclaimed "religious analyst" (of the sort for whom only the code for semi-literate journalist applies), wrote a wretched, wicked article in Danas on 10 May 2010 (p. 6) entitled "A Surplus of Saints" in which he repeats yet again his vicious-stupid slandering of St. Nikolaj of Žiča, now also adding St. Justin the New of Ćelije, following his recent addition to the diptych of the saints, which was done at the recent convocation of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of our Church (not "his proclamation as a saint" by the "Synod of the SPC," as the unknowing know-it-all M.Đ. writes, in addition to a host of other lies and misinformation).

Communique from the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Communique from the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade April 26 - May 5, 2010

The regular Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church was held at the Patriarchate in Belgrade, under the presidency of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, from April 26 - May 5, 2010. All the diocesan hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church participated in the work of the Assembly.

Extraordinary communique of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church

The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, at its regular session at the Patriarchate in Belgrade, expresses its deep concern and protest against the latest threat to freedom and basic human rights of the Serbian people and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija, expressed through illegal and uncivilized termination of the mobile and fixed  telephony in the central parts of Kosovo and other parts of the southern Serbian province. The Albanian police, namely, destroyed the telephone relays in the Serbian villages and areas inhabited by Serbs and their neighbors non-Albanians. We are also deeply worried about the endangering lifes and hindering the free movement and work of Serb the returnees in villages, such as Zac near Kline and other places in Metohija where displaced Serbs return to their centuries-old homes and they gather again around their sanctuaries.

The Holy Assembly appeals to the authorities of the Republic of Serbia the international community present in Kosovo and Metohija, governments of the civilized Europe and America, as well as the United Nations of the world,  to stop this and any other violence against the already suffering and innocent people in the living area of the Balkans and Europe, the cradle of civilization and the source of the spiritual and material culture of humanity.