
Reply to archpriest Mateja Matejic

Known, but poorly knowledgeable about the truth of the Orthodox Church in general and particularly about the Serbian Church, archpriest Mateja Matejic from America, wrote another pamphlet (published on the pseudo-zealot schizmatic website "Fight for the faith," March 4, 2010), entitled " Injustice as justice. " The text of this well-known member of the Ljoticevci in the cassock could be renamed to "lies and slander as justice" - or pseudo-justice of pseudo-zealot circles that destroy the Church. All information of this Archpriest who is very educated but who scarcely understand , originate from sources or "hearsay" or, as in previous cases, from offensive anti-Church sites.

I do not intend to reply to archpriest Matejic what he said about me earlier and now what he has written. Let him! - what said Patriarch Pavle of blessed repose. I would advised him, however, as a brother and a concelebrant, that carefully read the decision of the Holy Assembly of Bishops on the centuries-old (and not on the modern ) service of the Divine Liturgy. The multilayered Assembly decision has three important elements, and Archpriest did not carefully read or understand any of them. Not to mention that he neither looked, nor even read, four-volume anthology "Christ - New Pascha - On the Divine Liturgy" / 2500 pages /, available to every well-intentioned, and for which pseudo zealots, as well as Archpriest, say that it is " fake! - Let them such pseudo-fight for pseudo-faith.


The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church has decided that the enthronement ceremony of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, originally planned for April 25, 2010 of this year, be postponed to the fall. The new date has not yet been determined, and the public will be informed about it on time.

The reason for delay is lack of time available for an adequate organizational and logistical preparation of this important spiritual event, as well as a need that distinguished guests, local and from the world, have the opportunity to respond, and not because of the short time they cannot not do it.

Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church


Delivers: Bishop Irinej of Bachka, m.p.
Belgrade, March 1, 2010

Communique of the Diocesan Council of the Orthodox Church in Montenegro

After conciliar Holy Hierarchal Liturgy served in the crypt of the church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica and participation in a formal St. Simeon's  procession from the Church to Nemanja's town on the Ribnica, place of birth of St. Simeon the Myrrh-gusher, Diocesan Council of the Orthodox Church in Montenegro held its session at the temple of the Resurrection.

The Diocesan Council thanked for the brotherly visit and participation in the ceremony to Their Graces Bishops Vasilije of Zvornik-Tuzla, Jovan of Shumadia, Sava of Slavonia, Joakim of Polog-Kumanovo(the Archbishopric of Ohrid), as well as priesthood from their and other dioceses.

Communique - February 27, 2010

A great deal of our media published these days news that no more no less than seventeen bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church asked for calling of a extraordinary Assembly so as to discuss there about events in the Diocese of Raska and Prizren.

Actually it is a rough misinformation - one of many within this theme - which was launched by someone unkown, and everyone else started repeating it, uncritically, not even checking the news at the Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church or the services of the Holy Synod. No bishop has formally asked for the convocation of extraordinary Assembly, but many, virtually all, were interested - and they are still interested in - for the development of the situation because everyone, without exception, in the first place care about peace and love , good order and unity in our Church.


Regarding a statement that monk Antonije, brother of the Crna Reka monastery in the Diocese of Raska and Prizren,  will hold a press conference tomorrow on February 24 2010 at the Media Center in Belgrade, regarding, as announced in the Media Center  "events in the Diocese of Raska-Prizren which cause mischief in public”, we consider our duty to explain who is the monk Antonije and what are his intentions and those who stand behind him.

Monk Antonije Davidovic, a former "deputy heugomen" of the monastery Crna Reka, known to the public  because he was previously involved in the protest, which disabled Anglican celebration of Christmas on December 24, 2002 at the Patriarchate. On that occasion, the monk Antonije and gathered pseudozealots verbally on roughest way insulted Patriarch Pavle of Serbia of blessed repose and Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral . Only a month later, on January 29, 2003, monk Anthony with a group of thirty like-minded individuals organized a protest before the new building of the Patriarchate. Then Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory, who personally went down among the gathered, warned monk Antonije that "his zeal is not according to reason" and that "he can address only through his competent Bishop." Antonije then replied to Patriarch: "I do not need anyone's blessing to defend the Church from a demolition and Orthodoxy from heresy " and warned Patriarch Pavle " not to go to heretics because with those departures renounce all canons. "( Already this procedure  eloquently testifies to the absence of any ecclesiastical awareness, and especially monastic conscience and spirituality of this man.)

Communique of Administrator Atanasije of Diocese of Raska-Prizren, retired Bishop of Zahumlje and Herzegovina

Upon the decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church no. 131 of February 11, 2010 signed by His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, His Grace Bishop Artemije of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija was dismissed of the managing duties of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren until the completion of the initiated canonical procedure, or until the next session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops. His Grace Bishop Artemije is not forbidden to serve and can stay at the seat or other place or monastery of these or other Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, but with the permission of the newly appointed administrator or other Bishop in charge or  other Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church.