Communique of the Holy Synod of Bishops due to beginning the procedure of determing canonical responsibility of Bishop Artemije
13. February 2010 - 15:32
Today at the session of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, chaired by Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, it has been decided to initiate the procedure of determining the canonical responsibility of His Grace Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren in the first instance (Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church art. 70, sect. 20 and 356), with His obligation to cooperate during the procedure, and to be removed from the management of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren until the completion of the initiated procedure, or until the next regular session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops.
His Grace Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren can stay and serve in one of the monasteries or in a different place on the territory of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren or beyond it until the completion of the procedure, in an agreement with the administrator, or with the permission of the competent diocesan bishop, but without any intervention in the jurisdiction of the administrator or any of diocesan bishops.
On the basis of art. 70. sect. 21 of the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Grace retired Bishop Atanasije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina to be established as the Administrator of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren with all the rights and duties of the diocesan bishop.
Muslims accept the apology of Patriarch of Serbia
30. January 2010 - 12:53Regarding the statement of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia in which he expresses regret and extend his apology for his reckless statement that hurted the feelings of many Muslims, Riyasah of Islamic Community of Serbia has published the following communiqué:
Only God does not sin. People make mistakes, and when they do it then they blaspheme against God. God is pleased, when a man repents and asks forgiveness. God is more pleased when one man forgives the another one, so You shall be forgiven, so as Almighty supports us not to resent each other and that our temptations of life and happiness share in peace and respect.
Statement of Patriarch Irinej of Serbia
30. January 2010 - 0:25On the occasion of my reckless incomplete statement about the psychological profile of the Muslims, published in the daily newspaper Blic on St. Sava's day, I state that indeed it can be interpreted in the way it was understood by those Muslim believers and religious leaders who felt hurt, although I neither had such an intention nor that unfortunate statement expresses my true attitude towards Islam, based on the absolute respect of identity, dignity and integrity of Muslims as individuals, the Islamic community as a whole, and Islam as a major world religion.
Patriarch of Serbia meets with President of Serbia
29. January 2010 - 10:38Serbian President Boris Tadic talked yesterday with His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and pointed out that the Church had an important place in our society. President and Patriarch spoke about the position of the clergy and monks of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohia, as well as on the protection of the cultural heritage in the southern province of Serbia.
Communique of the Ohrid Archbishopric on return of Archbishop Jovan to Republic of Macedonia
27. January 2010 - 12:09
His Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje kyr kyr Jovan, since the measure of his detention was abolished, after almost two years of absence, on January 25, in the late evening hours he returned to his homeland. Archbishop Jovan requested the abolition of detention during the judicial process against him, but since it was not allowed, His Beatitude has been forced for almost two years to live outside R. Macedonia.
Bishop of Nis Irinej elected for a new Patriarch of Serbia
22. January 2010 - 18:19Today at the Election Assembly of bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church the new Patriarch of Serbia was elected.
In the early morning hours His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral , locum tenens of the Patriarchate throne, served the Holy Hierarchal liturgy at the Cathedral church. His Eminence served with the concelebration of Bishops: Lukijan of Osijek Polje and Baranja, Jovan of Shumadia, Irinej of Australia and New Zealand, Vicar Bishop of Teodosije of Lipljan and Antonije of Moravica.