Eparchial (Diocesan) Statement
Resolutions of the Annual Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America
25. February 2017 - 13:47The clergy and church-school congregation representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America, gathered at the annual Diocesan Assembly hosted by the St. St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Cambridge, Massachusetts on February 10-11, 2017 under the omophorion of their Archpastor His Grace Bishop Irinej, adopted the following resolutions:
1. We greet His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej and all the hierarchs of our Holy Serbian Orthodox Church to which we belong, with prayers that God will continue to grant them the great grace of the Holy Spirit to powerfully proclaim the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, to lead us into doing His holy will in this world, and to guide us all to the safe harbor of God’s heavenly Kingdom.
Western American Diocese: Press release regarding Father Daniel MacKay
17. October 2016 - 9:15Statement from the Western American Diocese Regarding the Arrest of Father Daniel MacKay
Alhambra, CA – The Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church has been informed that Father Daniel J. MacKay, age 42, was arrested on Wednesday, October 12, 2016, in Lane County, Oregon. Father Daniel was contacted by police and arrested on charges stemming from allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor and possession of a controlled substance. While the criminal proceedings are pending and until the conclusion of ecclesiastical proceedings, Father Daniel will be suspended from all pastoral duties to which he was assigned.
Communiqué оn The St Sava Monastery in Hall
24. December 2015 - 10:54
Communiqué of The Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand
The Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand of the Serbian Orthodox Church and His Grace Bishop Irinej are pleased to announce that the Supreme Court of New South Wales has today, 24 December 2015, confirmed the orders made by the Court on 29 May 2015 and adopted the scheme put forward by His Grace Bishop Irinej for the future management of the St Sava Monastery under the auspices of the Metropolitanate and the authority of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Bishop Irinej writes to Ministers of Australia and New Zealand on preventing admission of “Kosovo” to UNESCO membership
5. November 2015 - 9:55
Bishop Irinej of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand writes to Foreign Ministers Julia Bishop of Australia and Murray McCully of New Zealand on preventing admission of “Kosovo” to UNESCO membership
On 30th October 2015, writing on behalf of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand of the Serbian Orthodox Church and their substantial Serbian communities, especially in Australia and New Zealand to The Honourable Foreign Ministers Julia Bishop of Australia and Murray McCully of New Zealand, Bishop Irinej urged them and their respective governments, in the strongest possible terms, to assist in preserving, without compromise, our Serbian cultural and spiritual patrimony of Kosovo-Metohija, by preventing the admission of “Kosovo” to the membership of UNESCO.
30. May 2015 - 10:46The Supreme Court of New South Wales handed down its judgment today in legal proceedings commenced, with the knowledge and consent of the Holy Assembly of Bishops and the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, by His Grace Bishop Irinej and the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand against the Free Serbian Orthodox Diocese for Australia and New Zealand Property Trust Limited and its directors for breaches of a charitable trust relating to the St Sava Monastery New Kalenich located in Wallaroo, New South Wales.
By way of summary, the Court found as follows:
Communiqué of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand
5. November 2014 - 16:07Communiqué regarding the Church Community Centre at St Stephen the Archdeacon Serbian Orthodox Church in Keysborough
Without prejudice or judgement, but mindful of a serious transgression which has eventuated as a result of gross mismanagement of Church property on the part of its warden, in this case a parish priest, the Very Reverend Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Cedomir Videkanic is suspended from all liturgical and administrative functions at the Parish of St Stephen the Archdeacon in Keysborough and the Melbourne Deanery of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand, from this moment and until such time as a full and thorough investigation of what transpired reveals why this was allowed to happen. In the interim, the Reverend Presbyter Dejan Milosevic will assume all administrative and liturgical duties.
With due respect accorded to all faiths and their adherents, it will be understood that the Holy Canons of the Orthodox Church forbid the performance of religious rituals by those of other faith traditions, within our ecclesiastical and associated structures. Furthermore, Orthodox Christians are bound by the Canons to re-consecrate such places should such an unfortunate thing come to pass. Therefore, tomorrow on the 6th of November at 1:00pm, the undersigned together with available members of the Serbian Orthodox Clergy and faithful will gather for a service of sanctification in the Hall of St Stephen’s Church Community.
Any insinuation or assertion that a higher instance, be it myself personally, any member of the clergy or Metropolitanate Executive Board gave permission or sanctioned this transgression is completely false.
Bishop of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand
In Sydney, 5 November 2014
Holy Apostle James, First Bishop of Jerusalem