St.Sava College on the move
The next stage in the development of
the Serbian Orthodox Diocese's St.Sava College (SSC) in south-west
Sydney is about to go ahead. On Sunday the 9th of August, His Grace
Bishop Irinej, together with Father Rade Radan and Deacons Sasha Colic
and Branko Bosancic, served the Divine Liturgy on the foundations of
St.Sava College. At the conclusion of the service, his Grace presented
a cheque to the value of $1.8 million dollars to the former owner of
the property Mr s Helen henry and with that payed out the loan with
which the property was purchased five years ago, for a total sum of
$3.6 million dollars.
The 86ha property located in Varroville will be
home to a major educational and aged care project initiated by the
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand. In 2007
following DA approval, the 2,400 square metre slab of Stage 1 was
constructed. For the following 18 months a number of reports, needed to
be completed and submitted to council in order to obtain a full
construction certificate, allowing for the erection of the building and
associated landscaping and delivery of infrastructure. This
process took longer than expected, partly because of the
environmentally sensitive nature of the area, but also due to the
presence of three major infrastructure stakeholders, the Sydney Water
Supply, the Jemena Gas Pipeline and the APA Ethane Pipeline. All three
services run through the property and their owners had to be satisfied
that our development would pose no threat to their security or safety.
Several weeks ago SSC received a Construction Certificate, having met
all requirements and there is sufficient money in the Building Fund to
cover the costs of the next phase of building.
$200,000 expenditure will include the erection of pillars, walls and
columns, together with the structural steel which forms the roof of the
structure. Money had been pledged for the project and while some donors
had paid in full others were making periodical payments as agreed. Some
pledges, for whatever reason, have not been fulfilled. All money
donated to SSC is deposited in the SSC Building Fund. Donors receive
tax deductible receipts for their donations and that money is deposited
in the SSC Building Fund. All funds generated from the sale of tickets
to events, merchandise etc are deposited into our administration
account and used to pay all non-building disbursements associated with
the project, including insurances, rates, maintenance, wages and
administration expenses.
SSC is an integral organisation of the
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand and the Bishop is
the president of the SSC Board. The Diocese has a number of such
organisations including SOYA, the St. Simeon Retirement Village and the
Brotherhood of Vladika Nikolai Velimirovic. Alongside SSC, the Serbian
Orthodox Diocese intends to construct a retirement facility, a church
and other facilities on this large tract of land.
Our aim is to
complete the structural steel in the next three months and then,
depending on future fund raising, to cover the roof and close the sides
of the building. It is also intended to do some landscaping and fencing
work, according to the approved landscape design. In an effort to
reduce costs, we have been fortunate that a number of Serbian builders
have offered to be in charge of various stages of construction. When we
laid the foundations, licensed builder Milorad Borak was in charge of
construction and the Building Committee will nominate a person who will
be in charge of the next phase.
All those who contribute to
the construction will be recognised for their contribution and their
names will be displayed on a plaque in the building.