Threatening Graffiti in the Diocese in Sibenik (Croatia)
Unknown perpetrators have written threatening graffiti of neo-nazi and ustasha contents on the Orthodox Diocese in Sibenik (Croatia).
Threatening messages such as "Hang the Serbs'', "NDH ''(Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska = Independent State of Croatia during WWII, translator's note), "Vukovar'', as well as the letter "U'' (for ustasha, t. n.) and swastikas appeared on approx. 10 meters of the stone wall located in front of the Diocese's yard.
Apart from the assault against the Diocese of Sibenik in September 2005 and the neo-nazi threats to the Serbian and the Jewish people addressed to the Church Community in Split, in January 2008, this most recent threatening graffiti give proof of a latent pressure against the Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Dalmatia, but also beyond.
The appearance of such threatening graffiti has caused great distress to the Serbs living in the County of Sibenik-Knin. They are asking themselves whether the witch-hunt against the Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church, which can represent no threat to anyone, since it represents "the remainder's remainder'', will ever come to an end.
This case, lie the previous ones, has been denounced to the competent Sibenik-Knin police. An investigation is under way.
Information Service of the Diocese of Dalmatia