Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš

Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš
Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš
Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš
Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš

His Grace, Bishop Jovan of Niš, the Constantine’s city, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the church of Holy Sts. Constantine and Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles, on Sunday, 2 December 2012. The Divine Liturgy was concluded with thanksgiving of Bishop Jovan of Niš, to those credited for the realization of this great and very significant project of the Diocese of Nis and the Biblical society of Serbia. Towards the Jubilee celebration in Niš in 2013, the Diocese of Niš launched a missionary project “The Word of God to the Constantine’s City”. On this occasion more than 900 copies of the Holy Scripture were distributed to the present faithful.

Source: Diocese of Niš

Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš
Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš
Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš
Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš