Visit of President of Serbia Mr. Tadic to SOCM Mostar

On April 13, 2010 in the afternoon President of Serbia Boris Tadic with his delegation visited the SOC Municipality of Mostar. On this occasion he visited foundations of the destroyed Orthodox Cathedral church of the Holy Trinity, the Old Mostar Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God. Words of welcome on behalf of the church community to President Tadic was sent by archimandrite Danijel (Pavlovic), heugomen of Zitomislic. President Tadic warmly expressed his support for the return of Serbs in Mostar and the restoration of life in Mostar. With the clergy from the valley of the Neretva local government representatives and representatives of the Serbian community in Mostar had the opportunity to talk with President Tadic.
Source: Diocese of Zahumlje and Herzegovina