Italy drought: Vatican turns off fountains to save water

The drought that is affecting the city of Rome and the surrounding areas of the capital has led the Holy See to take measures to save water.

The Governorate of Vatican City State has decided to turn off all the fountains, both the external ones located in St. Peter's Square, and the interior fountains including those in the Vatican Gardens.

Muslim refugees on island of Lesbos terrifying and driving out Christians

Several clashes have broken out in recent days at Lesbos Island’s Moria Camp for refugees, with Greek authorities arresting 35 Muslim rioters who threw large rocks at police officers and set fire to tents both inside and outside the bounds of the camp. A disabled Christian was nearly burnt alive while sleeping in one of the shelters, reports Pakistan Christian Post.

Mar Benyamin Elya Consecrated Bishop of the Assyrian Diocese of Victoria & New Zealand

Mar Benyamin Elya Consecrated Bishop of the Assyrian Diocese of Victoria & New Zealand
Mar Benyamin Elya Consecrated Bishop of the Assyrian Diocese of Victoria & New Zealand
Mar Benyamin Elya Consecrated Bishop of the Assyrian Diocese of Victoria & New Zealand
Mar Benyamin Elya Consecrated Bishop of the Assyrian Diocese of Victoria & New Zealand

On Sunday 16th July 2017 by the grace of Almighty God, the Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon under the leadership of His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM was blessed with the consecration of His Grace Mar Benyamin Elya as the first Bishop of the newly-created Diocese of Victoria and New Zealand.

Another Orthodox church profaned in Albania

The desecration of Orthodox churches, monasteries, and holy sites has become common practice in modern-day Albania. The latest scandal was caused by a report of the TV station Top Channel, reports

Pope Supports International Campaign on Climate Change

Pope Francis expressed his support to an international campaign on climate, inspired by his encyclical Laudato Si’. On the official Internet site (, he invited to adhere to the initiative signing the commitment.

Two years after the publication of the papal document (2015), “the Global Catholic Climate Movement aims to mobilize at least one million Catholics to become directly engaged in turning Laudato Si’ into action to care for the planet.”