Christian world
Pronouncing of the word “Christmas” is punishable by death on the territories occupied by ISIS
30. December 2014 - 9:13The outrages of radical Islamists on Iraqi and Syrian territory have not only deprived Christians who live under the yoke of the takfirists of the joy of Christmas, but also alarmed neighboring regions that for the moment are free of the terrorists, reports Linga with reference to news agencies.
According to the eyewitnesses’ evidence, on the territories occupied by “the Islamic State” the very utterance of the word “Christmas” is equated with the public preaching of Christianity and is punishable by death.
Unconditional Commitment to Service is the Vocation of the Catholicosate of Cilicia – Stated Aram I
29. December 2014 - 11:13
21 December 2014. On Sunday, the Armenian Chatholicosate of Cilicia celebrated the feast of the Deacon and Protomartyr St. Stephen. Archbishop Norayr Ashekian celebrated the Holy Liturgy at St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Antelias.
Chinese University bans Christmas
29. December 2014 - 10:59A university in north-western China has banned Christmas, calling it a “kitsch” foreign celebration unbefitting of the country’s own traditions and making its students watch propaganda films instead, state media said on Thursday.
The state-run Beijing News said the Modern College of North-west University, located in Xi’an, had strung up banners around the campus reading “Strive to be outstanding sons and daughters of China, oppose kitsch western holidays” and “Resist the expansion of western culture”.
President Basahr-al-Assad of Syria receives Orthodox Patriarch’s of Antioch & Grand Mufti Ahmad Hassoun
22. December 2014 - 12:14His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II along with Greek Orthodox Patriarch John X, Armenian Orthodox Archbishop and Dr Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun (Grand Mufti of Syria) visited His Excellency Dr. Bashar Assad, President of the Syrian Arab Republic, who received the Christian and Muslim religious leaders in Syria after the conference organized by the Syrian Ministry of Endowments. Th meeting was held on 21 December 2014.
Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II receives Syriac Orthodox Delegation from Malankara : Apostolic Visit to India Scheduled for February 2015
22. December 2014 - 12:10His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II met with a delegation of Metropolitan’s from the Syriac Orthodox Church in India . The delegation discussed internal affairs of the church in Malankara (Kerala). The delegation was led by Metropolitan Gregorious Joseph ( Secretary to Holy Synod of the Church in India).
The Patriarchal visit to India will be in the month of February 2015. The Primate of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church will take part in the annual feast of St Ignatius Elias III (late lamented Patriarch of Antioch and Ll East) whose mortal remains are kept at the Manjanikkara Monastery in Kerala. Patriarch will also take part in various programmes during the Apostolic visit.
Church of England Names Libby Lane as First Female Bishop
18. December 2014 - 14:01The Church of England on Wednesday named the Rev. Libby Lane, a parish priest for 20 years in the north of England, as its first female bishop, just weeks after the church authorities took the final step to reverse centuries of canon law to begin what the archbishop of Canterbury called “a completely new phase of our existence.”
Ms. Lane, 48, will be consecrated on Jan. 26, the Church of England said on its website. She described herself as “grateful for, though somewhat daunted by,” the appointment. “This is unexpected and very exciting,” she said in a statement on the website. “On this historic day, as the Church of England announces the first woman nominated to be bishop, I am very conscious of all those who have gone before me, women and men, who for decades have looked forward to this moment. But most of all, I am thankful to God.”