Christian world
New Year
1. January 2010 - 16:00
New Year is the day when begins the next calendar and date cycle in countries which use the solar and similar calendars and it marks the first day of the next year.
Nowadays, most countries use the Gregorian calendar and the beginning of the new year is celebrated on January 1. Celebrating New Year in Serbia, or Yugoslavia, became particularly significant after the end of the Second World War when the attempted extermination of the importance that a large part of the Christian population from this region attached to the celebration of Christmas, so that the attention was then focused on then the less celebrated and unpopular calendar "New Year".
Prayer on the Environment
2. September 2009 - 13:47
The General Secretary of the National Council of Churches has commemorated September 1, 2009 as the 20th anniversary of the Day of Prayer on the protection of the environment, and he urged all persons of faith to take up the prayer today. The first environmental prayer day was instituted by the late Patriarch Demetrios I in 1989. Since then, every first day of September has been designated a day of prayer for the protection of the environment throughout the Orthodox world.
Russian Orthodox Church contemplates the opening of Orthodox night clubs
10. April 2009 - 22:23The Moscow Patriarchate contemplates the opening of Orthodox night clubs for intellectual young believers.
"May be it is possible for us to open a night club where young people could watch a good movie and discuss it through three or four in the morning. We can support such things," Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Department for Relation between the Church and Society, said at his meeting with the students of High School of State Management at Moscow State University.
Metropoliltan Philip - His Life and Legacy
27. February 2009 - 10:27In this historic interview on Ancient Faith Radio, Metropolitan Philip talks candidly about such things as Orthodox unity, music, our witness to the world, his most memorable accomplishments as well as his biggest disappointments. This two part interview was conducted by Fr. Peter Gillquist, Chairman of the Department of Missions and Evangelism in the Antiochian Archdiocese. It was Fr. Peter and a large contingent of Evangelicals who were received into the Orthodox Church by Metropolitan Philip over 20 years ago.
Head of the Russian Church Diocese in Britain warns against atheistic ads on London buses
24. February 2009 - 10:22Head of the Moscow Patriarchate Sourozh Diocese (Great Britain) Bishop Yelisey expressed his concerns with the London "No God" bus campaign. "Atheistic propaganda in London is especially painful for us, members of the Russian Orthodox Church. We have a unique experience of life in atheistic state and we can prove that true atheism is not as joyful as they try to present it," the Bishop told Interfax-Religion.