Christian world
Emergency Appeal: IOCC Responds to Worst Australian Wildfires
16. February 2009 - 10:55
The worst wildfires in
history have caused 181 confirmed deaths and left hundreds of people homeless.
More than 900 houses were destroyed and some 7,000 people have requested
assistance from humanitarian agencies. International Orthodox Christian Charities
(IOCC) is issuing an emergency appeal and has released initial funds to assess
the situation and assist the Orthodox churches in Australia
to mobilize a response.
Christians in Turkey
22. January 2009 - 15:24Turkey is overwhelmingly Muslim but hosts several ancient Christian communities -- dwindling remnants of sizeable populations that prospered for centuries in the Muslim-led but multi-ethnic, multi-faith Ottoman Empire.
They include Syriac Christians, Greek Orthodox, Armenians and Catholics. Modern Turkey was founded as a secular republic by Kemal Mustafa Ataturk on the empire's ashes in 1923.
The Serbian Orthodox Church gave the mobile incubator to the Health Center in Gračanica
1. December 2008 - 14:35
On the behalf of the Holy Synod of Bishops and thanks to the church community of Ascension of the Most Holy Theotokos in Zurich
the mobile incubator was presented to the Health
Center in Gracanica.
On November 28, 2008 the transfer of this valuable appliance was performed at the University in Pristina situated at Kosovska Mitrovica. His Grace Bishop Philaret of Milesevo, a member of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, gave to His Grace Bishop Dr. Artemije of Raska-Prizren this appliance, which was , then, presented to professor dr Stojan Sekulic, general director of the Health Center in Gracanica. The device was given to the Clinic of Gynecology-Obstetrics and is meant for transport of early-born infants. Dr Sasa Cvetkovic , the manager of this clinic, assumed the device.
Prayer service for the health of HIV/AIDS infected to be held in Moscow
29. November 2008 - 14:59A prayer service for the health of people living with HIV/AIDS and their relatives will be conducted in the Moscow Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Khoroshevo on November 30 on the eve of World AIDS Awareness Day. If someone cannot attend the service, the names for prayer (people baptized in the Russian Church) can be sent by e-mail to, the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations (DECR) has told Interfax-Religion on Friday.
The Russian Orthodox Church has known of cases in which AIDS has been miraculously healed.
Serbian Basketball Stars Visit Children In Kosovo and Metohija
18. September 2008 - 9:07
Retired NBA All-Star,
Vlade Divac, is surrounded by young fans as he signs autographs and distributes
athletic gear during a visit to a primary school in Kosovo and Metohija. Divac was
accompanied by former NBA player Dragan Tarlac and International Orthodox
Christian Charities (IOCC) Executive Director & CEO Constantine M.
Triantafilou as they toured IOCC development projects throughout Kosovo. (photo
credit: IOCC Serbia)
September 12, 2008 - Belgrade, Serbia (IOCC) - His Grace Bishop Teodosije of
Lipljan hosted Serb basketball stars Vlade Divac and Dragan Tarlac on a two-day
visit to Kosovo
and Metohija September 8-9, 2008. The delegation visited children as they
began the new school year and provided shirts, hats and basketballs donated by
Adidas through the Peja Stojakovic Children's Foundation. The trip to Kosovo and Metohija
was organized by International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) in
cooperation with His Grace Bishop Teodosije and included the participation of
IOCC Executive Director & CEO Constantine M. Triantafilou.
The delegation made stops in Serb enclaves in Kosovo
Visit of His All Holiness to Kiev
3. July 2008 - 13:19During its regular session, held on June 23-25, 2008, The Holy and Sacred Synod reviewed the invitations of His Beatitude Alexy, Patriarch of Moscow, requesting a Patriarchal Delegation to attend the festivities of the 1020th anniversary of the Christianization of the Kievan Rus and of His Excellency Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine, to His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to personally lead the aforementioned festivities.