Christian world
IOCC Responds To Tremor In Central Serbia
16. November 2010 - 14:15International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is working with Philanthropy, the charitable fund of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and local organizations to assess the needs following a moderate 5.3 earthquake that struck central Serbia on November 3 claiming at least two lives and injuring more than fifty people.
The temblor was centered near the city of Kraljevo where it destroyed or damaged buildings and left parts of the city without utility services, according to Interior Ministry of Serbia. The area is 30 miles from institutions where IOCC is implementing projects to assist disabled children and adults. There have been no reports of damage to the facilities, although the residents were shaken by the tremor.
Patriarch Irinej visits the threatened in Kraljevo
10. November 2010 - 23:29His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch visited the Diocese of Zica, and in Kraljevo, along with Bishop Hrizostom of Zica, the church of Holy Trinity, damaged in a recent earthquake. His Holiness Serbian Patriarch in an evangelic spirit promised the threatened people the help of the Church and the believers.
Patriarch was welcomed in front of the church of St. Trinity, built in 1824, by bishops Hrizostom of Zica and fr. Jovan Djerem, head of the church. During the visit to Diocese of Zica and Kraljevo, His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Backa walked along the city streets, met with Mayor Ljubisa Simovic, visited a hospital, and at the end of the visit he was in the monastery of Zica, because that church from XIII century was also damages in the recent earthquake.
Cemetery in Kosovo and Metochia desecrated
8. November 2010 - 8:09
Serbs who visited the cemetery in Dečani, near Medieval famous Serbian monastery in Kosovo and Metochia, to mark the All Souls' Day on Saturday found that the Orthodox graves have been desecrated. This is according to official of the Decani municipal assembly Snežana Paunović. "The previous visit to the Orthodox cemetery was organized on August 28, 2010.
German Catholic Church returns looted cross to Serbia
21. October 2010 - 8:40
The Catholic Church in Germany returned a looted gold cross to Serbia on Tuesday, 65 years after it was stolen from an Orthodox monastery
by an unidentified German soldier.
Hans-Josef Becker, archbishop of Paderborn, handed over the cross at the Serbian embassy in Berlin, an embassy spokeswoman said.
The treasure is a gilded cross with a base so it can stand upright on a table and a hollow space for a religious relic.
Tadashi Nagai – honorary citizen of Belgrade
20. August 2010 - 17:33
With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, His Grace Vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno attended today a celebration in the Belgrade City Hall where the former Ambassador of Japan in Serbian Mr. Tadashi Nagai presented with Belgrade's most prestigious award - the title of honorary citizen.