Abducted Syrian priest Jacques Mourad is free
15. October 2015 - 8:49“Father (Jacques) Mourad is free. He is currently in the village of Zaydal,” the source told AFP.
“The priest of the Syriac Catholic Church celebrated mass this morning in Zaydal,” the source reported, without providing details on how he gained his freedom, citing security reasons.
ISIS to Execute 180 Assyrian Christians After Negotiations Break Down
15. October 2015 - 8:45The Islamic State terror group claims it will be executing 180 Assyrian Christians who were kidnapped in mass raids in February, after negotiators failed to meet the jihadists' high asking price to free the hostages.
PM Vucic's Open Letter to Member States of UNESCO
15. October 2015 - 8:35
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic sent a letter to all UNESCO members on Sunday, in which he expressed concern over the requests for Kosovo to be granted membership in the organisation, and noted that such an appeal is unfounded from the standpoint of international law.
I hereby address you regarding the issue of the utmost importance for the Republic of Serbia, which gives cause four our serious concern. It is about the application of the so-called Kosovo for membership in the UNESCO. This application is unfounded from the point of view of the international law, as well as from moral and political aspect and therefore absolutely unacceptable for the Republic of Serbia.
Catholicos of All Armenians Consecrated St. Thaddeus Church in Masis
9. October 2015 - 14:06On October 04, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; and with the presence of Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia; the consecration of the newly built St. Thaddeus Church of Masis, Ararat region, was offered.
Discovery of Martian water to help us learn more about God, says Vatican astronomer
9. October 2015 - 13:54The discovery of liquid and frozen water on Mars and the possibility of alien life existing on the Red Planet will help us learn more about God, Vatican's top astronomer said after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) revealed its latest earth-shaking findings.
The director of Vatican Observatory, Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, said Christians should continue to believe in God's power over the universe, although he recognised that potentially finding alien life on Mars could paint a different picture of God to some believers.
Archaeology Museum in Bulgaria's Plovdiv Shows for the First Time Newly Restored Early Christian Tomb With Murals of Jesus Christ's Miracles
8. October 2015 - 10:19
A 4th century AD Early Christian Roman tomb with stunning biblical murals depicting the miracles of Jesus Christ, which was found by accident in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv in 2012, has now been restored and shown to the public for the first time.