Celebrating the Holy Day of the Epiphany in the Orthodox Church in New York

A number of clergymen and the Faithful gathered together at the New York church of Saint Eleftherios during the celebration of the Holy Day of Epiphany. 

His Grace Irinej, Bishop of Eastern America led the Divine Liturgy. Accompanying His Grace were the Dean of the Cathedral of St. Sava in New York, V. Rev. Dr. Zivojin Jakovljevic, V. Rev. Aleksa Micich, V. Rev. Protodeacon Milos Zdralic, V. Rev. Protodeacon Dr. Jovan Anicic and Deacon Stefan Djordjic. Srdjan Maksimovic, doctoral candidate in the Department of Theology at Fordham University in New York and George Tomic, graduate student at New York’s St. Vladimir Seminary, sang the responses.

Parish Patron Saint Slava and Church School Slava in Lackawanna

Parish Patron Saint Slava and Church School Slava in Lackawanna
Parish Patron Saint Slava and Church School Slava in Lackawanna
Parish Patron Saint Slava and Church School Slava in Lackawanna
Parish Patron Saint Slava and Church School Slava in Lackawanna

Saint Stephen Serbian Orthodox Church in Lackawanna, New York celebrated a festive weekend on January 12 and 13, 2019, blessed by the participation of its spiritual father, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America.

In addition to commemorating Saints Joseph the Betrothed, James the Brother of the Lord, and the Prophet King David, the saints that the Church remembers on the Sunday after Nativity, the parish had a joint Slava celebration, commemorating the Holy Archdeacon Stephen, the First Martyr, and Saint Sava, the patron of the Church School and children.

Church Patronal Feast Commemoration in Halifax, Northern England

Church Patronal Feast Commemoration in Halifax, Northern England
Church Patronal Feast Commemoration in Halifax, Northern England
Church Patronal Feast Commemoration in Halifax, Northern England
Church Patronal Feast Commemoration in Halifax, Northern England

On Sunday 20th January 2019, the church patron and the parish intercessor before our Lord God - the Holy prophet, forerunner and Baptist John was commemorated.

The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom was served by Archpriest Zarko Nedic, of Holy Trinity church in Bradford, the hierarchical dean for Great Britain & Ireland. At the chantors stand sang father Aleksandar Ilic, Nedeljko (Nedjo) Karagic and Slobodan (Borko) Budimir. Following Holy communion of the clergy, father Zarko orated an educational sermon, which included a short account about the life of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John.

Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist in Zagreb

Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist in Zagreb
Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist in Zagreb
Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist in Zagreb
Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist in Zagreb

On Sunday, 20 January 2019, on the feast-day of the Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist, His Eminence Metropolitan Dr. Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana celebrated his patron saint day (slava).

Saint John the Baptist – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Backa

Saint John the Baptist – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Backa
Saint John the Baptist – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Backa
Saint John the Baptist – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Backa
Saint John the Baptist – Patron Saint-day of Bishop Irinej of Backa

On Sunday, 20 January 2019, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Novi Sad and Backa celebrated his patron Saint.

Bishop David of Krusevac officiated the Eucharistic gathering in the Cathedral church in Novi Sad with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishops Arsenije of Nis, Nikodim of Dalmatia, Heruvim of Osek-Polje and Baranja, host – Irinej of Novi Sad and Backa, Isihije of Mohacs, as well as of Very Venerable Archimandrites Vasilije (Kostic) and Prokopije (Tajara).

Epiphany procession and swimming for the Holy Cross in Zemun

Epiphany procession and swimming for the Holy Cross in Zemun
Epiphany procession and swimming for the Holy Cross in Zemun
Epiphany procession and swimming for the Holy Cross in Zemun
Epiphany procession and swimming for the Holy Cross in Zemun

The Holy Cross was reached by the 18-year-old Jovana Leposavic, who dedicated the Epiphany Cross to her friends suffering from cancer, as well as for those who have died of this malignant disease.

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch served on 19 January 2019, on Epiphany, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Saint Nicholas Church in Zemun, Belgrade.  During the Lityrgy the Pariarch ordained Mr. Nikola Masnikos, a graduate theology student and postgraduate theologian of the Moscow Theological Academy, to the rank of a reader.