Liturgical Music Workshop, Baptism and Ordination in Canton, Ohio
19. February 2019 - 10:11With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej, and in conjunction with Protodeacon Jovan Anicic, Director of Religious Education for the Eastern American Diocese, St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton, Ohio hosted a Liturgical Music Workshop February 8th-10th, 2019.
Participants came from across northeast Ohio, including multiple parishes and jurisdictions, for Friday evening’s lecture by Pdn. Jovan on the theme, "Exploring Music through Christian Worship." After taking some time to get to know one another, Pdn. Jovan began with a personal story: how learning liturgical music as a child sparked within him a love for faith. He finished by discussing his growing awareness of the depth of theology contained within the music he grew to love. Throughout the evening, the participants enjoyed lively discussion, with questions ranging from liturgical languages to the role of laity in music and chant.
Feast of the Meeting of the Lord and the Statehood Day of Serbia at Orasac
17. February 2019 - 21:45The feast-day of the Meeting of the Lord and the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia also this year was traditionally celebrated in the village of Orasac, near Arandjelovac, Serbia.
The celebration of the Meeting of the Lord and the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia began with the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy celebrated by His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija with the concelebration of the clergy of the Diocese of Sumadija.
Spiritual assembly in Windsor
17. February 2019 - 18:13On Sunday February 10, Their Graces the Bishops Dr. Mitrophan of Canada and Teodosije of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija, visited the pious people of the city of Windsor and surroundings and on that occasion served Holy Liturgy in Windsor’s Gracanica Church.
The Holy Liturgy was served by both Bishops together with Archimandrite Ilarion, Prior of Draganac Monastery, who accompanied Bishop Teodosije, Protopresbyter-stavrofor Miroljub Todorović, retired from long service as parish priest at Windsor’s Gračanica Church, as well as Reverend Vladimir Vranić, the current parish priest at Gračanica Church in Windsor.
The Feast of the Meeting of the Lord celebrated in the capital
15. February 2019 - 23:20His Holiness Irinej, the Serbian Patriarch, served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of the Ascension of the Lord in Belgrade on 15 February 2019.
His Holiness was concelebrated by protopresbyter-staurophor Nenad Popovic from Birmingham's Lazarica; presbyters Arsenije Arsenijevic, dean of the church, Novo Gojic and Dusan Mihajlovic from the parish of Saint Nicholas of Ohrid and Zica in Santiago de Chile; archpriests Stevan Rapajic and Nenad Mihailovic; as well as deacons Dragan Tanasijevic, Bosko Savic and Filip Milovancevic. Following the Holy Liturgy, the Patriarch cut the slava cake with the hosts of the slava at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje.
Meeting of the Lord
14. February 2019 - 16:29Forty days after Christ was born He was presented to God in the Jerusalem Temple according to the Mosaic Law. At this time as well His mother Mary underwent the ritual purification and offered the sacrifices as prescribed in the Law. Thus, forty days after Christmas, on the second of February, the Church celebrates the feast of the presentation called the Meeting (or Presentation or Reception) of the Lord.
The meeting of Christ by the elder Simeon and the prophetess Anna (Lk 2.22–36) is the main event of the feast of Christ’s presentation in the Temple. It was “revealed to Simeon by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ” (Lk 2.26) and, inspired by the same Spirit, he came to the Temple where he met the new-born Messiah, took Him in his arms and said the words which are now chanted each evening at the end of the Orthodox Vespers service:
Richard Upjohn's 1851 Trinity Chapel - The Serbian Cathedral of St. Sava
14. February 2019 - 12:33It was, as The New York Times called it in 1914, “distinctly fashionable to be married there, it was eminently respectable to be buried from there."
Here were married Rhinelanders and Gardiners. Edith Wharton walked down the aisle here. Between 1887 and 1895 there were three Astor funerals – Mrs. John Jacob Astor, William Astor and Mrs. William Waldorf Astor.