Nis: Scientific Conference on “Orthodox Monasticism”

Nis: Scientific Conference on “Orthodox Monasticism”
Nis: Scientific Conference on “Orthodox Monasticism”
Nis: Scientific Conference on “Orthodox Monasticism”
Nis: Scientific Conference on “Orthodox Monasticism”

With the blessing of His Holiness the  Serbian Patriarch Irinej and of His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis a two-day conference  with the theme “Orthodox monasticism” was opened in Nis under auspices  of the Centre for Church Studies of Nis on 7 March 2019.

The scientific conference was opened by Patriarch Irinej who evaluated development of monasticism in Christian Church and particularly in Serbia, ”where monasteries are not empty, people visit them in order to experience a real Christian life observing the Gospel teaching…”

The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis

The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis
The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis
The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis
The Serbian Patriarch in the Diocese of Nis

His Holiness Irinej visited this Diocese on the occasion of the scientific conference “Orthodox monasticism”, in honor of the 70th anniversary of the monastic life of Very Venerable Archimandrite Dionisije (Pantelic) on 7 March 2019.

The Serbian Patriarch was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis with clergy and monastics of the Diocese of Nis, whereupon he attended the Vesper service in the Cathedral church, officiated by Archimandrite Dionisije with the concelebration of protopresbyter-staurophor Branislav Cincarevic and deacon Djordje Filipovic.

Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch

Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch
Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch
Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch
Veterans of the Army of Serbia visiting the Serbian Patriarch

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received on 6 March 2019 representatives of the Association “Friends” of 72nd Special Brigade and the Association of Veterans of the 63rd Parachute Brigade at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade.

Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Three

Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Three
Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Three
Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Three
Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Three

The final day of the Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute began as clergy and laity arrived for the morning Matins served by Fr. Daniel Kirk, followed by breakfast.

Afterwards, Bishop Maxim announced the beginning of the next talk which would be a combination of the morning and afternoon talks: God Views Us through Love and Becoming Human Today.

Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Two

Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Two
Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Two
Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Two
Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute – Day Two

The first full day of the Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute began early Wednesday morning, 27 February the feast day of St. Cyril Equal of the Apostles, teacher of the Slavs, with the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.

His Grace Bishop Ignjatije of Branichevo officiated at the Eucharistic gathering with the concelebration of Their Graces: Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwest America, Bishop Mitrophan of Canada and Bishop Maxim of Western America, together with clergy from dioceses nationwide. During the liturgy, Deacon John Suvak was ordained to the priesthood.

Meeting of the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Western America

Meeting of the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Western America
Meeting of the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Western America
Meeting of the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Western America
Meeting of the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Western America

On Tuesday, February 26, 2019 the Diocesan Council of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America, under the omophorium of His Grace Bishop Maxim, held it’s semi-annual meeting at the Saint Steven’s Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, California.

The meeting was held on the first day of the Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute, making it convenient for council members to also attend the events of the three-day Institute.