His Grace Bishop Maxim Celebrates St. Sava with Phoenix Faithful
14. February 2019 - 12:00On the day when the entire Serbian Nation celebrated its First Archbishop and Illuminator Sava, January 27th, parishioners of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Phoenix, Arizona, with great joy and happiness celebrated the feast of their Patron Saint, led by their Hierarch His Grace Bishop Maxim and Parish Priest Proto-Stavrophor Fr. Dragomir Tuba.
The all-day celebration started with welcoming His Grace by our Church’s beautiful front entrance gate, where he was met by 7-year-old Jelena Beric, who presented him with a bouquet of flowers.
Spectacular Saint Sava Celebration in Washington
13. February 2019 - 16:39Over the weekend of February 2-3, 2019, the St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church community of Washington, DC celebrated St.
This two-day celebration was one for the history books in this parish, as it was dually the largest event the St. Luke parish has hosted in many years and the first time that allSerbian organizations in the greater Washington area came together to celebrate St. Sava in at least nine years.
Sermon on the feast of the Three Hierarchs
Тhe Feast of the Three Holy Fathers, Great Hierarchs and Ecumenical Teachers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom is an annual commemoration of our Holy Orthodox Church on which we honour the unwavering faith and spiritual brilliance of three Saints who offered the entirety of their lives and abilities in the service of God and humankind. As selfless archbishops and pastors they led the faithful in worship and ministry. As loving teachers they offered guidance in the path of holiness. As divinely-inspired theologians they used their intellectual skills to confront error and defend truth. As holy men they lived in a manner that showed to all the grace and blessings of communion with God.
Patriarchal Liturgy in New Belgrade
11. February 2019 - 12:31His Holiness Irinej,
The Patriarch was concelebrated by
Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute V
8. February 2019 - 10:13Great Jubilees marked with a solemn academy in Kremlin
4. February 2019 - 12:17In a great hall of the State Kremlin
The President of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir Putin and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill participated in the solemn rite as well as high-ranking delegations of the Local Orthodox Churches, among which some of them were headed by primates of these Churches such