Saint Sava Day in the Monastery of Milesheva

Saint Sava Day in the Monastery of Milesheva
Saint Sava Day in the Monastery of Milesheva
Saint Sava Day in the Monastery of Milesheva
Saint Sava Day in the Monastery of Milesheva

On the day of a prayerful celebration of the greatest Saint, our Enlightener Sava, especially festive was in the Mileshevo monastery in which his holy relics had been kept longer than 350 years.

His Grace Bishop Atansije of Mileshevo officiated the Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of hieromonks and parish clergy from several Dioceses. During the Liturgy the Bishop ordained theology student Misel Memisevic from Pljevlje as deacon. After the worship the Bishop blessed slava wheat and cut the slava cake offered in honor of St. Sava.

Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania

Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated in Arad, Romania

His Grace Lukijan, Diocesan Bishop of Budim and Administrator of Temisoara, was awarded with the Order of Saint Sava Brankovic for special merits in the field of rapprochement between the Serbian and Romanian peoples.

On 27 January 2019, when the Serbian Church celebrates its first Archbishop Saint Sava, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was officiated by His Eminence Archbishop Timotej of Arad and His Grace Bishop Lukijan of Budim and the Administrator of Temisoara with concelebration of Serbian and Romanian clergy.

Saint Sava Academy in Nis

Saint Sava Academy in Nis
Saint Sava Academy in Nis
Saint Sava Academy in Nis
Saint Sava Academy in Nis

His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis: - We should not renounce values which Saint Sava gave to us

The Saint Sava Academy in Nis was held with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Arsenije of Nis in the Great Hall of the Military Headquarters on 26 January 2019, under the auspices of the City of Nis, and in the organization of the Church-school Community of Nis, the Nis church choir “Branko” and in the cooperation with the Serbian Army Command of the Republic of Serbia.

Saint Sava's Day in Testimonial Cathedral of the Serbian people in the Vracar

Saint Sava's Day in Testimonial Cathedral of the Serbian people in the Vracar
Saint Sava's Day in Testimonial Cathedral of the Serbian people in the Vracar
Saint Sava's Day in Testimonial Cathedral of the Serbian people in the Vracar
Saint Sava's Day in Testimonial Cathedral of the Serbian people in the Vracar

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in the Vracar district, on 27 January 2019, on Saint Sava's Day.

The Patriarch was concelebrated by head of the Saint Sava Cathedral, His Grace Bishop Stefan of Remesiana, Vicar of the Patriarch; protopresbyter-staurophors Predrag Puzovic, Vladimir Vukasinovic, Radivoje Panic and Bozo Bakajlic, presbyters Predrag Prodic and Dalibor Stojadinovic, protodeacon Miladin Kovacevic and deacons Sinisa Duvnjak and Radomir Vrucinic.

Sermon of Saint Sava on the True Faith delivered at Monastery Zica, 1220

Brothers and friends and fathers and children called by God, lend your God-loving hearts to hearing the divine dogmas. And hearing these holy words place them, brothers, in your hearts and the conscience of your souls and before the eyes of your mind and understand them.

God, all merciful and lover of mankind, having immeasurable mercy for man, bowed the Heavens and descended to earth, and with His Divine Dispensation and voluntary bearing of many different sufferings to His Divine Body, enlightened the human race; and He sent to the whole world the Holy Apostles, saying: „Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit“.

Life of Our Holy Father Sava I

Life of Our Holy Father Sava I
Life of Our Holy Father Sava I
Life of Our Holy Father Sava I
Life of Our Holy Father Sava I

The Serbian Grand Zhupan (Patriarchal leader) Stephen Nemanja had two sons, Stephen and Vukan; yet, he and his wife Anna desired, if it be God's will, to have another child. Their pious prayers ascended before God, Who heard their petition and blessed them with their last child, a son who was born in the year of our Lord 1175.

At baptism the child was given the name Rastko, a name derived from the Old Slavonic verb "rasti" which means "to grow." And grow divinely he did. There were many special things about Rastko: he was a lovely child, with pronounced features and smooth skin, and possessed, already in his childhood, an unusually alert and pious demeanor. Little did Rastko's parents and all those of the Royal Court (and even the entire Serb nation) realize that his birth and baptism into Orthodoxy would providentially set in motion their own historical and spiritual journey, which would result in the blossoming of their Christian faith, nation hood and total Christian cultural orientation. This young child, Rastko, whose monastic name later was Sava, became and still remains the most beloved of all Serbian Orthodox saints, considered by all Serbs everywhere and at all times as the ultimate expression and example of what it means to be fully human, that is, what it means to be a devout and committed follower of Jesus Christ.