Greater Philadelphia Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers
29. March 2017 - 11:33The Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of Greater Philadelphia and faithful gathered together at St. Mark Orthodox Church (OCA), for Lenten Vespers on the Sunday of St. John Climacus.
Celebrating clergy were: Fr. Stephen Hut nick (Sts. Peter and Paul Ukranian Orthodox Church, president of the Clergy Brotherhood), Fr. Martin Browne (St. Mark Orthodox Church), Fr. Gerald Polanski (St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church), Fr. Hal Dudash (ret., attached to Sts. Peter and Paul Albanian Orthodox Church), Fr. Victor Gorodenchyk (St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral), Fr. Nicholas Dellerman (Sts. Peter and Paul Albanian Orthodox Church), Fr. Emmanuel Pratsinakis (ret., St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church), Fr. Mark Kozak (Holy Assumption Orthodox Church), Fr. Milorad Orlic (St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church), and Protodeacon Gregory Moser (St. Mark Orthodox Church. Present were Fr. Vincent Savarino (St. Archangel Michael Russian Orthodox Church) and Protodeacon George Zlatkowski (St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral).
Serbian Patriarch received representative of the Academy of Sciences
28. March 2017 - 20:26His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej received academician Ljubomir Maksimovic, vice-president of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade on 27 March 2017.
Academician Ljubomir Maksimovic expressed gratitude to the Head of the Serbian Orthodox Church for the cordial reception during which they discussed on the last congress of byzantologists, the proceedings of which, a three-volume publication has been published. The Patriarch thanked academician Maksimovic for the visit, wishing him every blessing from the Lord and success in his future work.
Beginning of celebrations of the 700th anniversary of Monastery Krupa
28. March 2017 - 20:24Bishop Fotije: Orthodoxy has deep roots in Dalmatia
His Grace Bishop of Dalmatian Fotije celebrated on 26 March 2017 the Divine Liturgy at the monastery Krupa, whereby celebration of seven centuries of the existence of this shrine commenced. The joyful event was enhanced by cantors from the monastery Kovilj in Serbia. The Divine Liturgy was followed by a lecture delivered by Fr. Jerotej on Church music with a concert of spiritual music given by the Kovilj choir.
Catholicos-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia Meets Archbishop Leo of Karelia & all Finland
27. March 2017 - 9:54On March 21, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians met with Archbishop Leo of Karelia and all Finland and Head of the Orthodox Church of Finland.
After visiting the Orthodox Church Center and Museum in the city of Kuopio, the Heads of the two Churches offered a joint prayer in the New Valaam monastery complex. Stressing the ancient origins of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the contribution made to the Christian family; Archbishop Leo stressed the importance of the creation of ideas and developments through joint and common efforts of the Armenian Apostolic and the Orthodox Church of Finland, though their warm and brotherly relations.
Saint Proclus: Sermon on the Annunciation
27. March 2017 - 9:05Our present gathering in honor of the Most Holy Virgin inspires me, brethren, to offer her a word of praise, of benefit also for those who have come to this holy celebration. It is a praise of women, a glorification of their gender, which (glory) she brings to it, she who is both Mother and Virgin at the same time.
O desired and wondrous gathering! O nature, celebrate that whereby honor is rendered to woman! Rejoice, O human race, that in which the Virgin is glorified. “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” [Romans 5:20]. The Holy Mother of God and Virgin Mary has gathered us here. She is the pure treasure of virginity, the intended paradise of the Second Adam, the place where the union of natures (divine and human) was accomplished, and the Counsel of salvific reconciliation was affirmed.
Russian artists create unique icons for Belgrade cathedral
25. March 2017 - 22:20Russian specialists have created unique and unprecedented large-scale icons for the looming Cathedral of St. Sava on Belgrade’s Vračar plateau.
The mosaic design for the Belgrade church was decided upon at a recent Moscow session of the special commission for adorning the church, reports the site of the Russian Ministry of Culture.