The Synodikon of the Holy, Great, Ecumenical Council, the Second of Nicaea: 787
3. March 2017 - 14:53From the Proceedings of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
The holy, great, and Ecumenical Council, which, by the grace of God and the will of the pious and Christ-loving Emperors, Constantine and Irene, his mother, was gathered together for the second time at Nice, the illustrious metropolis of Bithynia, in the holy church of God which is named Sophia, having followed the tradition of the Catholic Church, hath defined as follows: Christ our Lord, who hath bestowed upon us the light of the knowledge of himself, and hath redeemed us from the darkness of idolatrous madness, having espoused to himself the Holy Catholic Church without spot or defect, promised that he would so preserve her: and gave his word to this effect to his holy disciples when he said Lo! I am with you always, even unto the end of the world which promise he made, not only to them, but to us also who should believe in his name through their word.
A Preparation for Confession
3. March 2017 - 12:56I, a sinful soul, confess to our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, all of my evil acts which I have done, said or thought from baptism even unto this present day.
I have not kept the vows of my baptism, but have made myself unwanted before the face of God.
What Is Necessary for a Saving Confession?
3. March 2017 - 12:53What is Confession? Confession is the oral avowal of one’s sins that lie heavy upon the conscience. Repentance cleanses the soul and makes it ready to receive the Holy Spirit, but confession, so to speak, only empties the soul of sins.
Let us present a simple analogy and comparison to confession. For example, suppose you had only one vessel of some kind, which you through negligence or laziness let reach a stage where little by little it accumulated all sorts of dirt so that your vessel became not only unusable but even unbearable to look at without repugnance.
Presanctified Liturgy at Saint Mark Monastery
3. March 2017 - 10:27With the Archpastoral blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej of the Eastern-American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Saint Mark Monastery in Sheffield Village welcomed clergy and faithful from the Cleveland Deanery on Wednesday, March 1st, 2017.
Holy Presanctified Liturgy began at 6 PM and was served by the abbot of St Mark's, Archimandrite Leontije (Alavanja), and by neighboring priest Rev Presbyter Sinisa Hrvacevic from St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Lorain, Ohio.
The Blessing of the Cross in Nashville
3. March 2017 - 9:36On Cheese-Fare Sunday, February 26, on the holy day of St. Simeon Mirotocivi, and with the blessing of His Grace Bishop of New Grancancia and Midwest Diocese Longin, parish priest Fr. Aleksandar Vujkovic blessed the cross which will be placed atop the newly constructed cupola of the church sanctuary.
The liturgy with blessing of the cross was attended by the parishioners of St. Petka Nashville. Fr. Aleksandar reminded the parishioners that we’re also “remaking” ourselves in the process.
St Sava Academy's Future Home
2. March 2017 - 12:04Select "more information" to go directly the St Sava Academy building fund website.