Sunday of Orthodoxy in Philadelphia
8. March 2017 - 8:58Orthodoxy Clergy Brotherhood of Greater Philadelphia Celebrates Sunday of Orthodoxy
On Sunday March 5th, 2017, the Orthodox clergy and faithful of greater Philadelphia gathered in Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Wilmington DE., to celebrate Vespers in commemoration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Our honored guest was His Grace, Rt. Rev. Bishop Thomas of the Antiochian Orthodox Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic. In his homily, His Grace emphasized that each of us is a living icon, and the importance of frequent and fervent partaking of the Holy Eucharist for us to become ever more godly living icons.
Serbian Patriarch celebrated in St. Sava’s on the Sunday of Orthodoxy
6. March 2017 - 11:50His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Irineus celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the memory church of St. Sava in the Vracar District of Belgrade on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the 5th of Marh 2017.
Next to the brotherhood of this church, the Liturgy was concelebrated by Archpriest-Staurophor Ermolaos from the Greek city of Patra as well. The hierarchal Liturgy was attended by the Ambassador of Greece in Serbia Mr. Elias Eliades as well as by a huge number of the faithful.
The Sunday of Orthodoxy celebrated in Bitola
6. March 2017 - 10:53His Beatitude Jovan, Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje, celebrated the Holy hierarchal Liturgy in the stauropegial monastery of St. Joh Chrysostom in Bitola, Macedonia, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the 5th of March 2017.
At the very end of the Liturgy, in attendance of the celebrating clergy who carried holy relics and the faithful with icons of the feast-days dedicated to the Lord, Mother of God and Church saints in their hands, the Archbishop read the Synodicon of Orthodoxy.
The Sunday of Orthodoxy liturgically celebrated in Novi Sad
6. March 2017 - 9:19On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the 5th of March 2017, His Grace Bishop Irenej of Bachka celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral church of Novi Sad, with the concelebration of the Cathedral brotherhood.
In his arhchpastoral sermon Bishop Irinej said, among other thing: “Every Sunday is a feast-day as a memory of the Christ’s Resurrection. However, today we have an extra celebration - celebration of an event, and not only of an event, but of an essential message of our faith…” After the pre-ambo prayer a rite of procession with holy icons was celebrated.
Luncheon honoring Syrian Patriarch
5. March 2017 - 18:17On Wednesday, March 1, 2017, His Grace, Bishop Irinej of Eastern America was among those invited to a lenten luncheon honoring His Holiness, Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II of the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch at Saint Vartan Armenian Apostolic Cathedral, the headquarters of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), New York, NY.
Hierarchs of the Oriental and Eastern Orthodox Churches were invited to the luncheon, hosted by His Eminence, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian of the Armenian Diocese of Eastern America, Primate of the Armenian Church of America.