The Theological Seminary of Zadar: On the occasion of its 400th anniversary (1615-2015)
17. August 2015 - 11:46The theological seminary at the monastery Krka dates from the time of the Patriarch of Pec Pajsije Janjevac (1614-1647). Metropolitan Teodor of Dabar-Bosnia, as the exarch of all of Dalmatia, in 1615, ordered that a theological school be founded in the monastery Krka.
This historical role was given to the superior of Krka, Joakim, who “was very skilful and well educated… He energetically strived to have the younger Dalmatian priests” become better and more skilled in performing their pastoral duties. Yet, this wish to establish a theological seminary in the monastery Krka, was not accidental. Throughout its long history, this monastery was a transcribing center, a spiritual center and a place of gathering for the Serbs in Dalmatia. An Akathist was transcribed in the monastery Krka in 1557, and in 1597 as many as three liturgical-theological books were written: Akathist, Prayer-book and Prologue. In 1601, twelve Menaions were transcribed.
Resurrection of Prebilovci – Consecration of the church of the Resurrection of Christ in Prebilovci
10. August 2015 - 14:01Holy New Martyrs of Prebilovci, who, for Christ’s sake had been thrown into pits of Surmanci, found their final abode, and their relics, after over 70 years of waiting, are in a resting place!
On Saturday, on 8 August 2015, the Holy Church of the Lord, with its Eucharistic gathering, consecrated the church of the Resurrection of Christ in the village of Prebilovci in Hercegovina, while celebrating the newly-shining Martyrs of Prebilovci. His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej officiated the Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of sixteen Bishops, a large number of priests and in presence of a huge number of faithful. On the eve of this historic event, a Vesper service was performed in the historic Monastery of Zitomislic, near Mostar, Hercegovina.
Audiences at the Serbian Patriarchate - 6-7 August, 2015
7. August 2015 - 11:31His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received Mr. Nebojsa Stefanovic, Minister of Internal Affairs, at the Serbian Patriarchate, yesterday, on 6 August 2015.
His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received Mr. Alexander Chepurin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade, today, on 7 August 2015.
Prayerful remembrance of the killed in the Croatian military operation “Storm” 20 years ago
6. August 2015 - 10:19His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, celebrated memorial service for the killed in the operation “Storm”, in the church of Saint Mark in Belgrade, yesterday, on 5 August 2015.
The central prayerful gathering on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the persecution and the suffering of the Serbian people in the Croatian military operation “Storm” was held in the church of Saint Apostle and Evangelist Mark in Belgrade yesterday, on 5 August 2015. His Holiness Irinej celebrated the memorial service (panichida, parastasis) for the murdered Orthodox Serbs exactly 20 years ago, when up to 2.000 Orthodox Serbs lost their lives on their urgent way to Serbia, having been expelled from their native lands what is Croatia today.
Remembrance Day of the killed and the expelled Serbs
6. August 2015 - 10:18His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, served on 4 August 2015, on the bridge at Sremska Rača the memorial service for the suffered two decades ago in the operation “Storm”.
Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said tonight, at the marking of the day of remembrance of the suffering and persecution of Serbs on the bridge near Sremska Raca, that operation "Storm" was a terrible crime and that Serbia no longer wants to hide that fact.
30.000 visitors at the exhibition on the Imperial family Romanov
31. July 2015 - 14:45On the occasion of the end of the exhibition “Four Centuries of the Imperial House of the Romanovs – Awakening of Memories” at the crypt of the Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in Vracar, yesterday this unique space, since it was used for the first time as an exhibition area, was visited by His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch.
His Holiness was welcomed by Their Royal Highnesses Prince Peter and Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Belgrade Mr. Alexander Chepurin, head of the Saint Sava Cathedral protopresbyter-stavrophor Radivoj Panic and the chief architect of the Cathedral Professor Dr. Vojislav Milovanovic, as well as members of the Society for the construction of the Cathedral, who also organized this magnificent exhibition. The attendees were guided through the exhibition by architect Dragomir Acovic.