Orthodox Churches

Metropolitan Nicholas of Phthiotis reposes in the Lord

On Satuday, July 27, 2019,  Metropolitan Nicholas of Phthiotis fell asleep in the Lord. He reportedly died of a heart attack.

He was known for strongly holding the traditional Orthodox stance against homosexuality, and speaking out against laws allowing homosexuals to adopt children.

Title of “Former Patriarch” officially restored to Ailing Irenaios (Skopelitis)

The ailing Irenaios (Skopelitis) has been formally reinstated to the episcopal dignity, and recognized with the title of “Former Patriarch” by the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem as romfea.gr reports.

The former Patriarch was removed from office by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in 2005 due to allegations of dubious real estate transactions with Israeli authorities.

Greek Holy Synod establishes “Unborn Child” Day

The Orthodox Church has taught for 2,000 years that abortion is murder. Unfortunately, this great sin is nevertheless common in many Orthodox countries.

As part of its ongoing fight against this genocide, the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church resolved to establish the Day of the Unborn Child, to be celebrated on the Sunday after the feast of the Nativity, when the Church celebrates the salvific birth of Christ, reports Romfea.

Greek Archdiocese to hold monastic assembly at St. Nektarios Monastery in New York

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has announced the convening of a monastic assembly at the Holy Monastery of St. Nektarios in Roscoe, New York in September.

Archbishop Elpidophoros, the newly-enthroned head of the Archdiocese, decided to convene the assembly September 21-22, “wishing to further promote the value and importance of monasticism in our Orthodox tradition and the spiritual life of the faithful,” the Archdiocese reports.

Foundation stone laid for Church of St. Cyril of Jerusalem in Republic of Congo

Foundation stone laid for Church of St. Cyril of Jerusalem in Republic of Congo
Foundation stone laid for Church of St. Cyril of Jerusalem in Republic of Congo
Foundation stone laid for Church of St. Cyril of Jerusalem in Republic of Congo
Foundation stone laid for Church of St. Cyril of Jerusalem in Republic of Congo

Holy Orthodoxy has been growing rapidly in the Republic of the Congo in the past several years, with hundreds of faithful souls receiving Baptism and a number of new churches being opened.   

Seminar for the Orthodox Youth in Kinshasa, Congo

For the second time, the Holy Metropolis of Kinshasa organized a Seminar for the Orthodox Youth.

The Seminar was held in the Parish of the Archangels, where the foundation stone of the Temple was set up by Patriarch Theodore ΙΙ of Alexandria and All Africa, in the year 2012.