Orthodox Churches

Bishop Arsenin of Joensuu elected Metropolitan of Kuopio and Karelia

The assistant Bishop Arsenie of Joensuu was elected Metropolitan of Kuopio and Karelia at the previous session of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Finland. 

The meeting took place during November 26-29, 2018, at New Valaam Monastery and was chaired by His Eminence Leo, Archbishop of Helsinki and all Finland, the Orthodox Church of Finland reports.

Ukrainian hierarch offers Poroshenko service book after he claims UOC prays for Putin, Russian military

His Eminence Metropolitan Jonathan (Yeletskikh) of Tulchyn and Bratslav has offered a copy of the Priest’s Service Book to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s advisors for them to look through after the head of state made a blatantly false statement about the services of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The service book contains the text of the liturgical services of the Church for use by priests and deacons.

Ukrainian Church sends humanitarian aid to suffering eastern Ukrainians

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s Synodal Department for Social-Humanitarian Issues continues to provide humanitarian assistance to needy citizens in eastern Ukraine suffering from the military operations there. The Department regularly sends goods to various communities of the uncontrolled territories, reports the departmental website.

Patriarch of Jerusalem arrives in Romania to celebrate feast of St. Andrew in new cathedral

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem arrived in Bucharest this morning to concelebrate the feast of St. Andrew the First-Called with His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania in the newly-consecrated National Cathedral in Bucharest tonight and tomorrow, reports the site of the Romanian Orthodox Church.

Bishop Innocentios Byakatonda Elevated to Metropolitan of Rwanda and Burundi

On November 26, 2018, during the First day of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa, His Grace Innocentios Byakatonda was elevated to a Priestly rank of a Metropolitan and the Diocese of Rwanda and Burundi elevated to the rank of Metropolis of Rwanda and Burundi.

Alexandrian Holy Synod establishes 5 new dioceses

Meeting in Alexandria under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria and All Africa on Monday, the Holy Synod of the Church of Alexandria resolved to establish 5 new dioceses for the Church, reports the Patriarchate’s website.

The decision came on the first day of the session that is scheduled to run through Friday.