Orthodox Churches

16th anniversary of 9/11 terror attack in the United States was marked by requiem service at the Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America

On the 11th of September 2017, which marked the 16th anniversary of the dreadful terror attack in the United States that had killed almost three thousand people, a requiem service was celebrated at the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine In-the-Fields, the Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America.

Construction underway on Russian rehab center’s church of St. Paisios

Construction underway on Russian rehab center’s church of St. Paisios
Construction underway on Russian rehab center’s church of St. Paisios
Construction underway on Russian rehab center’s church of St. Paisios
Construction underway on Russian rehab center’s church of St. Paisios

With the blessing of the administrator of the Skhakhty Diocese His Grace Bishop Simon (Morozov), the construction of a modular church in honor of the modern ascetic of piety St. Paisios the Athonite began on April 4, 2016 on the territory of a Shakhty drug rehabilitation center, reports AgionOros.

Archbishop Theophan of Berlin and Germany reposes in the Lord

The ruling hierarch of Berlin and Germany of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop Theophan, departed in the Lord today, in his 64th year of life, reports Igumen Daniel Irbits, the archbishop’s secretary and abbot of St. George Monastery in Hetzendorf, on his Facebook page.

“It’s hard for me to gather my thoughts now; it pains me to write these lines… Today at 3:00 PM, after a prolonged illness, our Archbishop Theophan of Berlin and Germany departed to the Lord… Please pray!” Fr. Daniel announced on social media.

The beginning of a new school year in the Prizren Seminary

The beginning of a new school year in the Prizren Seminary
The beginning of a new school year in the Prizren Seminary
The beginning of a new school year in the Prizren Seminary
The beginning of a new school year in the Prizren Seminary

With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren, dean of the Prizren Seminary, during the Holy Liturgy at the Cathedral church of Saint George in Prizren on 3 September 2017, the prayer of supplication was read for the invocation of the Holy Spirit on the occasion of the beginning of a new school year at the Prizren Seminary.

Archimandrite Sava, abbot of the Decani Monastery,  celebrated the Liturgy, with the concelebration of the clergy from the Prizren Seminary.

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece

On 4 September 2017, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations began his visit to Greece.

25-year project of Belarusian New Testament released

Metropolitan Pavel of Minsk and Zaslavel, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, headed a solemn presentation of the new translation of the New Testament into Belarusian. The publication is the result of 25 years of labor, reports the site of the Belarusian Orthodox Church.