Orthodox Churches

Greater Philadelphia Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers

Greater Philadelphia Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers
Greater Philadelphia Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers
Greater Philadelphia Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers
Greater Philadelphia Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers

The Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of Greater Philadelphia and faithful gathered together at St. Mark Orthodox Church (OCA), for Lenten Vespers on the Sunday of St. John Climacus.

Celebrating clergy were: Fr. Stephen Hut nick (Sts. Peter and Paul Ukranian Orthodox Church, president of the Clergy Brotherhood), Fr. Martin Browne (St. Mark Orthodox Church), Fr. Gerald Polanski (St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church), Fr. Hal Dudash (ret., attached to Sts. Peter and Paul Albanian Orthodox Church), Fr. Victor Gorodenchyk (St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral), Fr. Nicholas Dellerman (Sts. Peter and Paul Albanian Orthodox Church), Fr. Emmanuel Pratsinakis (ret., St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church), Fr. Mark Kozak (Holy Assumption Orthodox Church), Fr. Milorad Orlic (St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church), and Protodeacon Gregory Moser (St. Mark Orthodox Church. Present were Fr. Vincent Savarino (St. Archangel Michael Russian Orthodox Church)  and Protodeacon George Zlatkowski (St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral).

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus

On March 27, 2017, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations (DECR), met with His Beatitude Chrysostomos II, Archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus, at the Archdiocese of Cyprus in Nicosia. Metropolitan Hilarion conveyed to the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus warm greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. He also thanked His Beatitude Chrysostomos for his pastoral care for numerous Russian-speaking faithful residing in Cyprus, a testimony of which is the opening of a new Russian church dedicated to St. Andrew and All Russian Saints at the town of Episcopi.

Ancient church discovered in Georgia

Ancient church discovered in Georgia
Ancient church discovered in Georgia
Ancient church discovered in Georgia
Ancient church discovered in Georgia

The ruins of an ancient one-nave church have been discovered in Ilto’s Gorge in the village of Chartali of the Akhmeta municipality (Kaheti region), northeast of Tbilisi. The municipal cultural center also reports that traces of a settlement have been observed in the surrounding area, reports Blagovest-Info. According to cultural center head Kakha Mamulashvili, Ilto’s Gorge is practically unstudied from a cultural heritage point of view.

March for Life in Bucharest draws thousands

March for Life in Bucharest draws thousands
March for Life in Bucharest draws thousands
March for Life in Bucharest draws thousands
March for Life in Bucharest draws thousands

Thousands marched for life in Bucharest on Saturday, the president of Students for Life Association, Alexandra Nadane, reports. The pro-life manifestation carried out on 25 March 2017 under the slogan Help the mother and the child! They depend on you! People of all ages marched on the streets of Bucharest carrying banners and the national flag.

The Ceremony marking the completion of the restoration project of the Sacred Edicule of The Holy Sepulchre

The Ceremony marking the completion of the restoration project of the Sacred Edicule of The Holy Sepulchre
The Ceremony marking the completion of the restoration project of the Sacred Edicule of The Holy Sepulchre
The Ceremony marking the completion of the restoration project of the Sacred Edicule of The Holy Sepulchre
The Ceremony marking the completion of the restoration project of the Sacred Edicule of The Holy Sepulchre

On Wednesday morning, 9th/22nd March 2017, the ceremony marking the completion of the restoration and rehabilitation of the Sacred Edicule of the Holy Sepulchre took place in front of the Sacred Edicule.

This project began one year ago, by the initiative of Jerusalem Patriarchate and the agreement among the Christian Communities, the Franciscans and the Armenians; the research study and the work were undertaken by the Interdisciplinary Team of the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) under the coordination of Professor Mrs. Antonia Moropoulou.

Sunday of Orthodoxy at the Phanar

Sunday of Orthodoxy at the Phanar
Sunday of Orthodoxy at the Phanar
Sunday of Orthodoxy at the Phanar
Sunday of Orthodoxy at the Phanar

On Sunday, March 5, 2017, His All-Holiness concelebrated Divine Liturgy for the first Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, together with Their Eminences Metropolitans Demetrios of Sevasteia, Eirenaios of Myriophyton and Peristasis, Chrysostomos of Myra, Gennadios of Sassima, Nikiforos of Kinshasa, Maximos of Selyvria, and His Excellency Metropolitan Theoklitos of Vresthenis. During the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Ierotheos, Abbot of the Sacred Patriarchal and Stavropegial Orthodox Monastery of Saint Irene Chrysovalantou, in Astoria, New York, was consecrated as Bishop of Eukarpia.