Orthodox Churches

Fr. John Behr Appointed to Metropolitan Kallistos Chair

The Amsterdam Center for Orthodox Theology (ACOT) has announced that the Executive Board of Vrije Universiteit (VU) on September 1, 2016, Metropolitan Kallistos Chair of Orthodox TheologyThe Very Reverend Dr. John Behr, Deanappointed the Very Reverend Dr. John Behr, dean of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) and professor of Patristics, to its newly established Metropolitan Kallistos Chair of Orthodox Theology. In this part-time position, Fr. John will visit Amsterdam and work at VU a number of times each year, as he continues his work at St. Vladimir’s Seminary. As a professor at VU, Fr John will also be able to supervise doctoral students.

Theophany Feast at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Theophany Feast at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Theophany Feast at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Theophany Feast at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Theophany Feast at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

On Thursday 6th/19th January 2017, the Feast of Theophany or Epiphany was celebrated by the Patriarchate, meaning the memory of the event of the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ by St. John the Baptist at the River Jordan, when the mankind witnessed the Trinitarian Epiphany, Jesus Christ being baptized, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove “anointing Him with Divine ointment” and the Father witnessing from heaven “He is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

Bulgarian Orthodox Church Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Saving 48,000 Bulgarian Jews in World War II

Bulgarian Orthodox Church Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Saving 48,000 Bulgarian Jews in World War II.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for saving 48,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Nazi death camps in World War II, a press release published on the site of the church said Thursday. The nomination was officially submitted to the Nobel Committee in the beginning of January on the initiative of IsraelТs former Health Minister and MP, Gen. Efraim Sneh, Haifa University law professor Moshe Keshet (name may be misspelt) and attorney Moshe Aloni, supported with the signatures of over 200 descendants of saved Bulgarian Jews.

Russian Orthodox Parish in Georgia shot at second time

When it happened once, Fr. Eugene Antonov and his parishioners assumed it was simply an accident, perhaps a reckless hunter in the rural town, but now that Joy of All Who Sorrow Russian Orthodox Church in Cumming, GA has been attacked and vandalized twice, Forsyth County deputies are searching for assailants with more serious intentions.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej meets with Minister Vulin

Serbian Patriarch Irinej meets with Minister Vulin
Serbian Patriarch Irinej meets with Minister Vulin
Serbian Patriarch Irinej meets with Minister Vulin
Serbian Patriarch Irinej meets with Minister Vulin

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received Mr. Aleksandar Vulin, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy at the Serbian Patriarchate yesterday, on January 16th, 2017.

The reception was attended by Mr. Dragan Makojevic, Director of the Charity Organization of the Serbian Orthodox Church “Philanthropy”.  They deliberated continuation of the successful cooperation of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy with the Foundation “Philanthropy” that has operated with the blessing and support of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as well as possibilities of an investment into social welfare institutions.  In addition, Patriarch Irinej and Minister Vulin discussed about the position of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and the current migrant crisis.

Christmas in Jerusalem

Christmas in Jerusalem
Christmas in Jerusalem
Christmas in Jerusalem
Christmas in Jerusalem

According to the very old tradition of the Church of Jerusalem, the feast of Christ’s incarnation has been celebrated in Bethlehem, the birthplace of our Lord Jesus Christ since the 4th century A.D.

Likewise, on Friday 24th December 206 / 6th January 2017, after the customary visit of the Police of Jerusalem at the Patriarchate, with the Orthodox scouts leading the way and under the sound of bells tolling, the Hagiotaphite Entourage, led by His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem, headed towards Jaffa Gate. There, the entourage members boarded the vehicles and preceding the police escort went to the Holy Monastery of Prophet Elijah which is located halfway between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.