Orthodox Churches

Serbian ambassador visited Patriarch of Alexandria

On 8th December 2016, His Beatitude Theodoros II Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa received in the Patriarchal See the visit of His Excellency Mr. Dragan Bisenic, Ambassador of the Serbian Republic to Egypt, as part of his visit to Alexandria. During their meeting, His Beatitude the Patriarch briefed His Excellency Mr. Bisenic about the missionary work done by the Patriarchate on the African continent, emphasized the protection given by the hospitable country of Egypt to the Ancient Patriarchate, discussed with him the close relations between the two sister Churches of Alexandria and Serbia as well as other historically interesting topics.

Ukranian parish rebuilds church after theirs seized by schismatics

Ukranian parish rebuilds church after theirs seized by schismatics
Ukranian parish rebuilds church after theirs seized by schismatics
Ukranian parish rebuilds church after theirs seized by schismatics
Ukranian parish rebuilds church after theirs seized by schismatics

On the feast-day of Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the faithful of the UOC-MP celebrated their patronal feast in a new church, for the first time after local religious community was split into factions reports the Union of Orthodox Journalists’ spokesman. The parish is located in Khodosy village of the Rivne district, in Western Ukraine.

Prince of Wales visits Dormition Cathedral of Sourozh diocese

On 13 December 2016, His Royal Highness Prince Charles paid an unofficial visit to the London Dormition Cathedral of the Sourozh diocese.

After the Divine liturgy Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh consecrated the belfry after the renovations.  The bells were consecrated by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill during his visit to Great Britain.

Heavy rain damages frescos at Georgia’s historic Gelati Monastery

Ancient frescos at Georgia’s 12th Century Gelati Monastery have been damaged by multi-day heavy rain. Reportedly, rainwater leaked through the roof of the monastery complex in Georgia’s west and damaged a portion of historic wall paintings.

Moscow Orthodox center to help homeless find employment

Beginning in January 2017, the Orthodox service “Mercy” will begin working in a test mode with Moscow homeless to assist them in finding employment, reports Interfax-Religion.

Moscow is home to between fifteen and fifty thousand homeless, the majority of whom are “people of working age, many of whom stay on the streets after being cheated by their employers,” said the “Mercy” head of projects for helping the homeless Roman Skorosov.

Moscow Kremlin launches tours to sites of lost monasteries

A new guided tour has appeared at the Moscow Kremlin for tourists from different countries. According to its organizers, it will be interesting for both students and adults.

The new tour’s itinerary passes through the New Kremlin Public Garden where in the fourteenth century centers of religious life were established in Muscovite Rus’: the Chudov Monastery and the Ascension Convent. Then the residence of the Russian emperors appeared on that spot—the Small Nikolaevsky Palace, the press service of the Moscow Kremlin Museums reported.