Orthodox Churches

Patriarchate of Jerusalem: We ask the Israeli govt to act to secure the integrity of the Christian holy sites

On Monday, July 6, 2020, the Churches of Jerusalem under the lead of Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem made the following statement for rendering justice and the return of the Jaffa Gate Hotels Imperial and Petra to their rightful owner, the Rum Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem:

Joint Statement from the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem

New York City: On Third Sunday after Pentecost, Parishioners return to Divine Services in Synodal Cathedral

 New York City: On Third Sunday after Pentecost, Parishioners return to Divine Services in Synodal Cathedral
 New York City: On Third Sunday after Pentecost, Parishioners return to Divine Services in Synodal Cathedral
 New York City: On Third Sunday after Pentecost, Parishioners return to Divine Services in Synodal Cathedral
 New York City: On Third Sunday after Pentecost, Parishioners return to Divine Services in Synodal Cathedral

In accordance with the determinations of local authorities, following quarantine measures associated with the Coronavirus epidemic, parishioner attendance at the divine services in the churches of New York City resumed, with certain health and safety requirements: wearing masks and maintaining social distance. For more than three months, ones important to Orthodox Christians, during which the Orthodox Church observed Great Lent and celebrated the great feasts of Pascha, the Lord’s Ascension, and Holy Pentecost (Trinity Sunday), the clergy continued performing the divine services in the Synodal Cathedral and St. Sergius Chapel, with live streaming and online submission of commemoration slips and ordering of candles set up. At the request of parishioners, the clergy would bring them the Holy Gifts at home.

A miracle in Georgia: We did not have an epidemic although churches never closed, says Georgian hierarch

Photo: 1tv.geA nation that is faithful to God and its fatherland will be miraculously blessed by God, His Eminence Metropolitan Daniel of Chiatura and Sachkhere of the Georgian Orthodox Church said during his Sunday sermon at the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

A miracle was seen in Georgia, where there was no eruption of the coronavirus epidemic despite the fact that the churches were never closed, as in many other countries, Met. Daniel emphasized, reports 1tv.ge.

7th-8th century chapel discovered on uninhabited Little Skellig Island in Ireland

While the Irish island of Little Skellig was long thought to have been inhabited by nothing but a variety of seabirds, a new archaeological discovery demonstrates that monastics once labored in asceticism on the inaccessible crag.

The archaeologist Michael Gibbons and a group of climbers recently located the remains of an early Christian church located on a narrow precipice overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, reports Afloat.

Statement of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church expressed his deep concern over the calls voiced by a number of the Turkish politicians for the change in the current status of Hagia Sophia, one of the greatest masterpieces of Christian culture.

I am deeply concerned over the calls of certain Turkish politicians to reconsider the museum status of Hagia Sophia, one of the greatest monuments of Christian culture.

Ecumenical Patriarch: We continue to fight for reopening of Halki seminary

Ecumenical Patriarch: We continue to fight for reopening of Halki seminary
Ecumenical Patriarch: We continue to fight for reopening of Halki seminary
Ecumenical Patriarch: We continue to fight for reopening of Halki seminary
Ecumenical Patriarch: We continue to fight for reopening of Halki seminary

In an atmosphere charged with emotion, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew appointed on Sunday, 5 July 2020, Bishop Kassianos of Arabissos as the new Abbot of the Holy Patriarchal And Stavropegic Monastery Of the Holy Trinity in Halki, which is situated in the same place, as the Halki seminary.