Orthodox Churches

Letter of Condolences to His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East

To His Beatitude John X Patriarch of Antioch and All the East  Damascus 

Your Beatitude, Our dear brother and fellow servant in the Lord, We have received the sad news about the devastating explosion that took lives of many innocent people in Beirut, which We have recently visited, lovingly hosted by Your Beatitude and welcomed by many wonderful and cordial people. This horrible tragedy induced great sadness and pain in the heart of the Serbian people.

Orthodox churches damaged, 100+ killed, 4000+ wounded, over 200,000 homeless after Lebanon explosion

The world was shocked on Tuesday, August 4, when a massive explosion shook the port of Beirut, Lebanon, with now reportedly around one hundred people killed, over four thousand injured; some reports say that more than 200,000 are left homeless, as the shockwave spread through the city breaking glass, and the red mushroom cloud loomed over the port.

With tensions in the region already high, preliminary reports are indicating the explosion was due to “confiscated high explosive materials” being stored in the port, possibly ammonium nitrate. That being said, the cause of the explosion is currently unknown pending an investigation. Orthodox Churches were among the many critically damaged structures.

Church of Greece sent letter of support to Patriarch of Antioch for blast in Beirut

The Holy and Sacred Synod expresses the support of the Church of Greece to Patriarch John of Antioch, in a letter sent by Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens. 

In addition, it declares support to the Patriarchate of Antioch and the people of Lebanon “for the relief and healing of our affected brothers and sisters.” They added, “Both we and the charitable Church Organisation ‘Apostoli’ (Mission) are wholeheartedly by your side.”  Finally, the Holy Synod stated: “The Church of Greece, the Hierarchy, the clergy, the monks and the faithful, we fervently pray to God for the city of Beirut. Let the Lord give you all the consolation, patience, strength, and hope you need to overcome this unexpected calamity.”

Church philanthropy was born of the Gospel and Liturgy, Patriarch Daniel says

“The charitable work of the Church was born of the Gospel and the Divine Liturgy. The care for the poor in the form of permanent social institutions was inspired by today’s Gospel,” said the Patriarch of Romania in his homily delivered at St. George’s Chapel of the Patriarchal residence on Sunday.

Referring to the Gospel passage in which the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes is presented, Patriarch Daniel explained that the care for the poor and hungry was commanded by the Saviour Jesus Christ in the words to the disciples: “Give them something to eat.”

Petru Voda Monastery has received a fragment of the holy relics of Saint Nikephoros the Leper

Paltin-Petru Voda Monastery receives fragment of St Nikephoros the Leper’s relicsРPaltin-Petru Voda Monastery has received a fragment of the holy relics of Saint Nikephoros the Leper, a powerful intercessor for COVID-19 and every disease.

The holy relics were donated by Father Simon from the Hermitage of St. Panteleimon from Greece, at the request of the abbess of Paltin Monastery, stavrophore Justina Bujor.

Prayer for Kurban Bairam in Hagia Sophia

Prayer for Kurban Bairam in Hagia SophiaA prayer was held for the first time today at dawn, after 86 years, in Hagia Sophia for the Muslim Holiday “Eid al-Adha”, according to Turkish media.

The prayer was celebrated by the Head of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbaş. Turkish media reported that before the prayer started, Hagia Sophia was full, as well as the square in front of the monument and the one in front of the Blue Mosque. The prayer that would take place in Hagia Sophia was announced last night.

Source: Orthodoxtimes.com