Orthodox Churches

Metropolitan of Constantia: If UNESCO cannot protect culture, create another organization

Metropolitan Vasilios of Constantia and Famagusta commented on the new shameful and profane decision of Turkey to convert into a mosque, after Hagia Sophia, the historic Chora Church.  The hierarch of the Church of Cyprus and pastor of a province which, together with the rest of the refugee world, has been experiencing for more than 46 years the tragic consequences of the Turkish atrocity of 1974 (i.e. Turkish invasion in Cyprus), including the looting, desecration and destruction of many ecclesiastical monuments, referred to the new challenge of the neighboring country.

The frescoes of the Chora Church in Constantinople

The frescoes of the Chora Church in Constantinople
The frescoes of the Chora Church in Constantinople
The frescoes of the Chora Church in Constantinople
The frescoes of the Chora Church in Constantinople

After Hagia Sophia, the Erdogan government converted another World Heritage Site, the Chora Church (“Church of the Holy Savior in Chora”), into a mosque in Constantinople.  The Chora Church was first converted into a mosque by the Ottomans, and had become a museum in 1958, but last year the Turkish Supreme Court ruled that it should be converted into a mosque again, which had not been implemented yet.

Ukrainian Church elevates four hierarchs to rank of metropolitan, two to archbishop

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine celebrated the 6th anniversary of his enthronement as primate of the Ukrainian Church this morning with the Divine Liturgy on the square in front of the Holy Dormition Cathedral of the Kiev Caves Lavra. During the service, several loyal hierarchs of the UOC were honored on the occasion of the celebration. Four bishops were elevated to the rank of metropolitan, and two to the rank of archbishop, reports His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, the Chancellor of the UOC.

Feast of Dormition of Mother of God in Cairo

Archimandrite Stefanos Soulimiotis celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Cairo, with the blessing and love of Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and All Africa. The Divine Liturgy was concelebrated by the Protopsaltis Ioannis Kountrias and Paul Ansara at the Community Church of Constantinos and Eleni. The faithful attended the Divine Liturgy with excitement and emotion respecting all the necessary coronavirus protection measures. On behalf of the Diplomatic Corpses of Greece and Cyprus, Consul Achilleas Bikis and Administrative Attaché Aristodimos Assiotis also attended the Divine Liturgy. The Greek Community in Cairo was represented by General Secretary, Chrysanthi Skoufaridou.

Service at Monastery of Panagia Soumela in atmosphere of reverence and emotion in Trabzon

Service at Monastery of Panagia Soumela in atmosphere of reverence and emotion in Trabzon
Service at Monastery of Panagia Soumela in atmosphere of reverence and emotion in Trabzon
Service at Monastery of Panagia Soumela in atmosphere of reverence and emotion in Trabzon
Service at Monastery of Panagia Soumela in atmosphere of reverence and emotion in Trabzon

On the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, there was a lot of emotion at the Monastery of Panagia Soumela in Pontus, on the slopes of Mount Mela.  The Divine Liturgy was celebrated yesterday at the monastery, without the Ecumenical Patriarch. Metropolitans Stefanos of Kallioupolis and Madytos, Maximos of Silyvria, and Ioannis of Zambia, who is Hierarch of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, celebrated the Divine Liturgy. The faithful received Holy Communion and paid homage at Pontic Greek monument.

Metropolitan of Beirut: This land that was watered with pure blood will bloom again

In his sermon on Sunday, August 16, His Eminence Metropolitan Elijah of Beirut spoke about the devastating explosion that occurred in the Lebanese capital two weeks ago, offering the people a word of encouragement and hope.

“It has been two weeks since a terrible explosion destroyed buildings and left the pain of the departed. Citizens of Lebanon are distressed by this tragedy, and we, the people of this country, are called to deal with the difficulties arising from the economic crisis and pandemics that have damaged our country,” His Eminence said, as reports the Archdiocese of Beirut.