Orthodox Churches

Patriarch Bartholomew at the 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace

His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew attended the 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace in Lindau (Germany) from 20-23 August 2019 where he delivered the keynote address. 

Religions for Peace, in partnership with the Foundation Peace Dialogue of the World Religions and Civil Society, is the world’s most representative, multi-religious gathering of religious communities.

Thousands of Orthodox Christians rally against barbaric Australian abortion draft law

Sydney’s Martin Place was packed with pro-life demonstrators last night, protesting a proposed bill to decriminalize abortion that awaits consideration by the New South Wales Parliament.

A vote on the bill, which passed the lower chamber two weeks, ago, was to be voted on in the upper house this week, though it was delayed until next month at the last minute, thanks in part to the protests of concerned Australians who are horrified at the bill’s stipulations.

Ukrainian hierarch calls on Odessa mayor to cancel LGBT festival

A number or religious organizations in Odessa, Ukraine are taking a stand against the planned Odessa Pride 2019 festival, which will include the “March for Equality.”

Not wanting to see their city turn into Sodom and Gomorrah, His Eminence Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and representatives of a number of other churches and organizations sent a letter to Mayor Gennady Trukhanov, calling on him to shut down the LGBT festival “for the sake of preserving peace among the residents an guests of the city” and for the sake of cultivating a godly atmosphere in the city.

Bucharest Archdiocese Gives $1,000+ to the Family of Newly-Reposed Priest

The Archdiocese of Bucharest decided, at the initiative of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, to provide financial support to Fr. Marius’ grieving family. The Archdiocese is providing $1,184 (5,000 lei) to Fr. Marius’ wife and children.

Fr. Marius Gabriel Bărăscu of Parava, Bacău County, 160 miles northeast of Bucharest, tragically died in a car accident last week, the day before his 35th birthday. He leaves behind a wife, Petronela, and four children: Anastasia, 9, Irina, 7, Sofiana, 4, and Nicolae, 18 months.

Ukrainian Catholic activist demands that canonical parishes be reregistered to schismatic church

One of the main lobbyists for the forced and illegal reregistration of a number of parishes of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bukhovina to the schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” (OCU) is the activist Maria Filipchuk, who is, in fact, a member of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic church (UGCC), according to the Ukrainian Telegram and YouTube channel Pravblog.

Despite ongoing church seizures, Ukrainian Church has grown by 184 parishes, 30 monasteries under Met. Onuphry

Despite the persecution against it from the state and schismatic nationalists in recent years, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church continues to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and grow under the leadership of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine.

The 5th anniversary of His Beatitude’s enthronement as primate, which took place on August 17, 2014, was celebrated on Saturday at the Kiev Caves Lavra. The date was also celebrated with hierarchs and representatives from throughout the Orthodox world in June in conjunction with Met. Onuphry’s name’s day.