Orthodox Churches

Memory of Saint Irene the Empress

Today, our Church commemorates the Holy Irene the Empress, later Nun Xeni.  Saint Irene lived in the 12th century AD. and had various virtues. This was noticed by Emperor Alexios Komnenos and so he married her with his son John, so called Good-Ioannis, because of his many gifts.  The virtuous Empress Irene spent generously on charities. She took advantage of the opportunities she had and built nursing homes and hostels, and left large sums of money for their safe and comfortable maintenance. But then she experienced great tribulations. Her husband died in an expedition to Syria in 1143 AD. Later, the same thing happened to both of her four children. Then Irene wanted to find relief in her sorrows in solitary life.

Thus, with the consent of the king’s son Manuel, she withdrew to the monastery of Pantocrator, where she became a nun, renamed Xeni. There she found her death and was buried with as much simplicity as she wished. Shortly before she died she was saying that “Queen Irene had died long ago”, and only Xeni remained.

International Conference on the Theological Legacy of Archpriest George Florovsky

The Ecumenical Patriarchate is organizing an International Conference in Istanbul, titled “The theological legacy of Archpriest George Florovsky,” Sept. 1-3, 2019, on the 40-year anniversary of his passing.  His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will inaugurate the International Conference which will be attended by hierarchs, clergy, distinguished university professors and theologians from universities from around the world. 

Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America celebrates commemoration day of St. Herman of Alaska

Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America celebrates commemoration day of St. Herman of Alaska
Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America celebrates commemoration day of St. Herman of Alaska
Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America celebrates commemoration day of St. Herman of Alaska
Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America celebrates commemoration day of St. Herman of Alaska

On 9 August 2019, commemoration day of St. Herman of Alaska was celebrated at St. Catherine the Great Martyr Church in-the-Fields, the Representation of the Orthodox Church in America to Moscow Patriarchate.

Archbishop Michael of New York and New Jersey, OCA, and Bishop Dionisy of Voskresensk, first Patriarchal vicar for Moscow, ROC, officiated.

Liturgy at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem

Liturgy at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Liturgy at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Liturgy at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Liturgy at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem

On Sunday, July 30/ August 11, 2019, His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos officiated the Divine Liturgy at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, above the God-receiving Cave, where our Lord Jesus Christ was born in the flesh.

This Divine Liturgy was celebrated on the centenary completion since the foundation of Jamaeye, namely the Greek-Orthodox community in Bethlehem, whose parish Church is the Basilica.

Commemoration of our Holy Father John the New Hozevite

On Saturday, July 28/ August 10, 2019, the Patriarchate celebrated the commemoration of our Holy Father John the New Hozevite from Romania at the Holy Monastery of his ascetic life, the ancient Monastery of Hozeva, which is located by the bank of brook Chorath, near Jericho.

On this day, primarily the Church of Jerusalem, but also the Church of Romania commemorate Saint John the New Hozevite, who came in the Holy Land from Romania in mid- 20th century and lived an ascetic life in Holy Monasteries of the river Jordan district and in that of Saints George and John the Hozevites. Due to his marvelous signs he was canonized a Saint by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in 2016.

Feast in Monastery of the Holy Panteleimon in the Old City of Jerusalem

On Friday, July 27/ August 9, 2019, the Patriarchate celebrated the commemoration of the Holy Glorious Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon at his Holy Monastery which is located between the Patriarchate and Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. On this day the Church rends a special honour to the commemoration of Saint Panteleimon who came from Nicomedia by an idolater father named Eustorgios and a Christian mother named Euvouli, from whom he was taught the sacred scriptures.