Serbian Patriarch Irinej serves in the church of Holy Ascension of Our Lord in Zarkovo - Belgrade
6. December 2010 - 11:11His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served in the first week of Christmass Lent, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of the Holy Ascension of of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Zarkovo- Belgrade. His Holiness was concelebrated by many priest and deacons,
At the Holy Liturgy Serbian Patriarch Irinej with priests, he administer communion of the full church of children and believers of the Belgrade suburb of Zarkovo, and after that he held a sermon.
Formal reception in the Serbian Patriarchate
2. November 2010 - 11:56His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch at today's reception in the Serbian Patriarchate thanked all institutions which helped in the organization of His formal enthronment in the Patriarchate of Pec.
Receptions in the Serbian Patriarchate 26-28 X 2010
28. October 2010 - 13:27His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received on October 26, 2010 in the Serbian Patriarchate Mr. Michitaku Suzuki, reknown Japanese Byzanthologist and art historian, accompanied by academician Mr. Gojko Nikolish. His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received on October 28, 2010 in the Serbian Patriarchate His Excellency Mercedes Martinez Valdez, the ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Belgrade.
Serbian Patriarch meets with Ambassador of Cypruss
12. August 2010 - 16:23His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch met today in the Serbian Patriarchate with His Excellency Homer Mavromatis, the Ambassador of the Republic of Cypruss in Belgrade.
Patriarch IRINEJ served in St. Petka church in Cukarica
9. August 2010 - 11:30The Church of Saint Parascheva on Cukarica celebrated its church summer Patron Saint's Day - Venerable Martyr Parascheva. Believers drom all parts of Belgrade came to this temple that on the Holy Liturgy pray and partook of the Sacrament. The Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was served by His Holiness IRINEJ, Serbian Patriarch with the concelebration of great number of priests and deacons of the Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovac.
Participants of the Days of Cyrillic Alphabet visit Serbian Patriarch
9. August 2010 - 10:34His Holiness IRINEJ, Serbian Patriarch received today at August 7, 2010 in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade the most successful participants of the competition Days of Cyrillic Alphabet - Bavaniste 2010. The organizers of this event - artistic associations Aca Obradovic and Branch of the Vuk Foundation in Bavaniste declared 2010 the Year of Cyrillic Alphabet. At the competition 3623 children participated, of which more than 100 were from Norway, France, Romania, Republic of Srpska and Montenegro.