Serbian Orthodox Church
The First Week in Saint Mark Monastery
21. July 2017 - 9:39With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej, the first week of camp was held at St. Mark Monastery in Sheffield, Ohio from July 9-16 to the delight of 67 campers of all ages.
Camp Season - Week 1 in the Eastern American Diocese
21. July 2017 - 9:32St. Mark Monastery Camp and St. Sava Camp at Shadeland
Joy of the church life in Venezuela
20. July 2017 - 15:07On the sixth week after Pentecost, 16 July 2017, when our Church celebrates Holy Martyr Hyacinthus and Venerable Anatolius, Archimandrite Evstatije Azdejkovic, PhD and father Pablo Peña served the Holy Liturgy at the church of Saint John the Baptist in Maracay.
Celebration of Patron of the Diocese of Gornji Karlovac
20. July 2017 - 14:50On the feast day of Saint Great Martyr Sava, Bishop of Gornji Karlovac, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was officiated by His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac .
Bishop Mitrophan celebrated on St. Peter's day in Oakville
20. July 2017 - 14:22On the feast day of First Apostles Peter and Paul - the patron of the parish of Oakvill, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan, PhD, of Canada celebrated the Holy Liturgy in Oakville. The bishop was concelebrated by parish priest of Kitchener protopresbyter Goran Gojkovic PhD, parish priest of Sadbar presbyter Djuradj Kojic, deacon Radovan Kodic and competent parish presz Zlatibor Djurasevic.
Patriarch served memorial service for late Serbian hierarchs
19. July 2017 - 10:39His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, served memorial service for late Serbian bishops Hristofor, Firmilijan and Dionisije of blessed repose in the Saint Sava Monastery in Libertyville, ILL., USA, in the afternoon on 18 July 2017.