Serbian Orthodox Church

Bishop Antonije visits Archbishop Jovan

His Grace Bishop Antonije of Moravica, Vicar of Serbian Patriarch and the dean of the Representation of the Serbian Patriarchate in Moscow, on behalf of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, visited yesterday His Beatitude Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje, who is staying at  the Novodevichy Monastery in St. Petersburg for medical treatment. 

Grief Seminar in North Canton

 On Saturday, January 31st, St George Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton hosted the first-annual Three Hierarchs Seminar. This event, offered by the Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of Stark County, brought in a speaker for the edification of faithful Christians in Stark and Summit Counties. This year’s topic was “Dealing with Grief, Loss and Suicide”, with guest speaker Holly Torbic, the program director of the Tides Foundation located in State College, PA.

Great Theological Symposium in Trebinje

Great Theological Symposium in Trebinje
Great Theological Symposium in Trebinje
Great Theological Symposium in Trebinje
Great Theological Symposium in Trebinje

Under the auspeces of the Orthodox Diocese of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and the Littoral, the second annual Symposion „Theology in Public Life” was held in Trebinje on February 6-7.

This significant conference was opened by welcome speeches of His Grace Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina, Roman Catholic Bishop of Dubrovnik Monsignor Mate Uzinic and Mr. Andrej Jeftic, Lecturer at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade. Participants of the Symposion, that has become traditional, were eminent theologians from the region, as well as historians, philosophers, literary theorists, economists, artists, actors and film directors, etc. During four panel discussions they exchanged views on the Ukrainian crisis, Christianity and economic justice in (neo)liberal capitalism, relations between Christianity and literature, as well as connections between film and Liturgy. Within the conference, a promotion of a collection of presentations held at the first Symposion was organized in the Museum of Herzegovina.

Blessing of the Waters in Clearwater

Blessing of the Waters in Clearwater
Blessing of the Waters in Clearwater
Blessing of the Waters in Clearwater
Blessing of the Waters in Clearwater

The use of holy water is based on the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. John's baptism was a baptism of repentance, and the people came to have their sins washed away by the water. Since Jesus had no sin, but was God incarnate, his baptism had the effect not of washing away Jesus' sins, but of blessing the water, making it holy—and with it all of creation, so that it may be used fully for its original created purpose to be an instrument of life. Blessing of the water at St. George church. Everyone was given the Holy water to drink and to take home.

Saint Sava in Carmichaels

Saint Sava in Carmichaels
Saint Sava in Carmichaels
Saint Sava in Carmichaels
Saint Sava in Carmichaels

The Annual Saint Sava Day celebration was held at Saint George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania on Sunday, January 25, 2015. 

During the Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for living and departed church school teachers and students and all parishioners. The slava cake and slava wheat (koljivo) were blessed. A dinner was prepared in the church hall by the St. George Kolo.