Serbian Orthodox Church
Celebration of Christmas in Banja Luka
9. January 2014 - 14:06The feast day of the Nativity of the Lord and the Saviour Our Jesus Christ was solemnly celebrated also this year in all churches of the Diocese of Banjaluka. On this occasion, on Monday, January 6th on the Christmas Eve at the Cathedral church of Christ the Saviour the Divine Liturgy was celebrated. Many believers attended the service and after the Liturgy there was a solemn welcome of Yule logs. In the evening the great vespers was served by His Grace Bishop Jefrem of Banjaluka with the concelebration of the clergy of the church.
Central celebration of the Nativity of Christ in Gracanica
9. January 2014 - 13:08The feast day of the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ was solemnly celebrated throughout the Diocese of Raska-Prizren.
The central celebration of Christmas was held at the Gracanica monastery where Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren served the Divine Liturgy. Besides several hundreds of believers from many parts of Kosovo and Metohija the celebration was attended also by high representatives of the Government of Serbia: First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Minister of Defence Nebojsa Rodic.
Synaxis of Most Holy Mother of God at the Patriarchate's chapel
8. January 2014 - 19:05His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served today, on the feast day of the Synaxis of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the chapel of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Bearer at the Serbian Patriarfchate in Belgrade.
7. January 2014 - 22:44His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Christmas Liturgy at the Belgrade's Cathedral church
His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, officiated this morning, on the joyful feast day of the Nativity of the Lord, the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral Church of Saint Michael the Archangel in Belgrade. Besides many believers, the Divine Liturgy was attended by Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, Crown Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, representatives of the Republic and City authorities, Apostolic Nuncio Orlando Antonini, Archbishop Stanislav Hocevar, as well as representatives of the Islamic Community of Serbia.
Christmas Midnight Liturgy at Saint Sava Cathedral
7. January 2014 - 20:29His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana served the Divine Liturgy at the Saint Sava Cathedral on Vracar at midnight
The celebration of Christmas, the feast day of the Nativity of Jesus Christ, the most joyful event in the Christian world began at midnight with the first Christmas Liturgy, served by Bishop Andrej of Remesiana, in the Saint Sava Cathedral on Vracar. The Bishop was concelebrated by the clergy of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac, with the participation of lots of faithful people of the capital. The choir of the Saint Sava Cathedral sang responses. The service was attended by Dr. Mileta Radojevic, director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities, and Professor Dr. Vojislav Milovanovic, proto-master of the Saint Sava Cathedral.
Christmas Eve in the church of Saint Sava on Vracar
7. January 2014 - 15:48His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, attended last night burning of badnjaks (Yule logs) at the plateau in front of the Saint Sava Cathedral on Vracar.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej greeted the gathered faithful people with the traditional greeting Christ is born - True He is born! and said that the Christmas Eve is the joyful feast day which we had inherited from our ancestors, and that the Yule log is a symbol of the divine love. Among the believers who gathered at the plateau there was also Mr. Nebojsa Covic, a member of the temporary City Council.