Serbian Orthodox Church

Feast of Saint John the Baptist in Novi Sad

Feast of Saint John the Baptist in Novi Sad
Feast of Saint John the Baptist in Novi Sad
Feast of Saint John the Baptist in Novi Sad
Feast of Saint John the Baptist in Novi Sad

On Monday, 20 January 2014, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa celebrated its Patron Saint-day by serving the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral church in Novi Sad

The Bishop of Backa was concelebrated by Their Graces Bishops: Pahomije of Vranje, Jovan of Sumadija, David of Krusevac, Atanasije of Bihac-Petrovac and Porfirije of Jegar with thirteen presbyters and eleven deacons.

Theophany in England

Theophany in England
Theophany in England
Theophany in England
Theophany in England

On Sunday, 19 January 2014, on the occasion of the feast of Theophany and the Patron Saint-day of the church of Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist in Halifax, His Grace Bishop Dositej of Britania and Scandinavia served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of hierarchal deputy protopresbyter-stavrophor Zarko Nedic and hieromonk Stefan Ponjarc.

On the feast gathering the people came from Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle and Bradford.

During the Liturgy Bishop Dositej performed the great blessing of the water and the rite of blessing the slava cake.

protopresbyter-stavrophor Aleksandar Ilic

Theophany at the Saint Nicholas church in Zemun

Theophany at the Saint Nicholas church in Zemun
Theophany at the Saint Nicholas church in Zemun
Theophany at the Saint Nicholas church in Zemun
Theophany at the Saint Nicholas church in Zemun

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, served yesterday, on the feast of Theophany, the Divine Liturgy at the Saint Nicholas church in Zemun.

The Patriarch was concelebrated by the clergy of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac with the choir of this church singing responses. Historians of Zemun noted that the Theophany procession was held from 18 century until the beginning of the Second World War, after which it was held in 1945 and 19946. The procession was restored in 1998 and since then it has been continued until today.

Feast of the Cross at the Cathedral Church

Feast of the Cross at the Cathedral Church
Feast of the Cross at the Cathedral Church
Feast of the Cross at the Cathedral Church
Feast of the Cross at the Cathedral Church

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served today, on the Feast of the Cross, the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great at the Cathedral Church in Belgrade. 

After the versper service following the Liturgy, Serbian Patriarch Irinej  performed the rite of great blessing of the water of the Feast of the Cross. Then the Patriarch held a sermon about this feast day.

Winter youth retreat concludes at the New Gracanica Monastery

Winter youth retreat concludes at the New Gracanica Monastery
Winter youth retreat concludes at the New Gracanica Monastery
Winter youth retreat concludes at the New Gracanica Monastery
Winter youth retreat concludes at the New Gracanica Monastery


The Youth Department of the New Gračanica and Midwest Diocese organized the third annual Winter Youth Retreat at New Gračanica Monastery from December 26-30, 2013, entitled “Don’t find yourself in whatever; recreate yourself in the image of Christ”. The number of participants this year doubled to 60. His Grace Bishop Longin welcomed the youth and had a very nice conversation with them. He shared some memories from his youth and, answering their questions in a brilliant way, touched upon the most sensitive and crucial matters of their growing up in this time and society.

Georgian Ambassador meets with Serbian Patriarch

Georgian Ambassador meets with Serbian Patriarch
Georgian Ambassador meets with Serbian Patriarch
Georgian Ambassador meets with Serbian Patriarch
Georgian Ambassador meets with Serbian Patriarch

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received H.E. David Bakradze, Ambassador of Georgia to Belgrade, as well as representatives of the Association of Serbia-Georgia, Mr. Dragan Kovacevic and Mrs. Dubravka Nesic at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade on 16 January 2014.