Serbian Orthodox Church
Patron Saint-day of the Belgrade Cathedral church
22. November 2013 - 13:02On Thursday, 21.11.2013 when the Holy Chuch celebrated the Synaxis of Saint Michael the Archangel, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Belgrade's Cathedral church with the concelebration of the clergy of the Diocese of Buenos Aires, Central America and East America.
Pious people of the capital, gathered at the Cathedral church, chanted along with the Patriarch and the clergy Troparion to Saint Michael the Archangel on the occasion of performing the rite of cutting slava cake of the church. Patriarch Irinej congratulated the church's Patron Saint-day (slava) of the central Belgrade's church.
Path of Orthodoxy: November 2013 Issue
20. November 2013 - 11:28Miraculous morning at Rakovica monastery
19. November 2013 - 15:34On Saturday, November 16th, on the feast of the Transfer of the relics of Holy Greatmartyr George, at Rakovica monastery the liturgical baptism of 80 pupils of Belgrade's primary and secondary schools was performed. Besides pupils, their parents and teachers were also baptized.
Liturgical gathering at Serbian Training Command in Nis
19. November 2013 - 14:54On Monday, November 18th, His Grace Bishop Dr Jovan of Nis visited the Serbian Training Command in Nis and at first consecrated the chapel dedicated to Holy Great Martyr George, and then he served there the Divine Liturgy.
The Bishop was concelebrated by diocesan dean of Nis I and chief military priest of the Serbian Armed Forces Captain Sladjan Vlajic. Major General Milovan Simovic attended the Liturgy with associates and other members of the Serbian Training Command.
Trаnslation of the Relics of Saint George at Cathedral Church in Novi Sad
18. November 2013 - 14:33The capital city of the Diocese of Backa, Novi Sad, celebrated worthily its Patron Saint-day - the Trаnslation of the Relics of Saint George the Great martyr.
The feast day’s vigil service was celebrated by Archimandrite Sergije (Karanovic), brother of the monastery Rmanj, from the diocese of Bihac-Petrovac. On the very day of the feast His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of arhimandrite Sergije and local priests at the Cathedral church of Saint George.
Four-year memorial service to Serbian Patriarch Pavle
18. November 2013 - 12:46On Friday, the 15th of October, 2013, at Rakovica monastery, His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy and the memorial service for Serbian Patriarch Pavle of the blessed memory, who reposed on that day in 2009.
Since the early morning the faithful people gathered in the Rakovica monastery, where, with the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana celebrated the Holy Liturgy with the concelebration of the local clergy. The Bishop held a sermon after the memorial service for Patriarch Pavle. A large number of believers and admirers of Patriarch Pavle attended this prayerful gathering.