Serbian Orthodox Church
Serbian Patriarch Irinej in Berlin
5. December 2013 - 15:34On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, the administrator of the Diocese of Middle Europe, visited the Serbian community in Berlin.
In early morning hours Serbian Patriarch went to Berlin by train. His Holiness was accompanied by episcopal dean protopresbyter-stavrophor Milan Pejic, protodeacon Damjan Bozic and the officer of the Diocesan office Mr. Carol Lupu.
Patriarch Irinej in skete of Saint Spyridon in North Hessen
5. December 2013 - 13:49On Saturday afternoon, on 2 December 2013 His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, accompanied by episcopal deputy protopresbyter-stavrophor protopresbyter-stavrophor Milan Pejic and protodeacon Damjan Bozic visited the hermit cell dedicated to the Holy Annunciation and Saint Justin of Celije at the skete of Saint Spyridon in Geilnau.
The abbot of the hermit cell and the skete, shiarhimandrite Vasilije (Grolimund) welcomed Serbian Patriarch along with the brotherhood, hieromonk Pajsije (Rauer) and monk Nilos, as well as many guests and friends of the hermit cell. The Patriarch firstly visited a chapel which is located within the object which was bought along with the land where is planned to build a monastery – skete. This chapel is dedicated to the Annunciation and Saint Justin of Celije. Schiarhimandrite Vasilije led Patriarch Irinej to the place where the church is going to be built. Now there is a plan, a permit of the city authorities, as well as the funds for the construction of the first Orthodox church in this part of Germany – North Hessen.
Consecration of Jacksonville church in Florida
5. December 2013 - 12:30On the Feast of the Synaxis of Archangel Michael and the Bodiless Powers, the church of Saint John of Shanghai was consecrated in Jacksonville, Florida. Although the community had been in existence for quite some time, they were only able to gather for Divine Services in temporarily leased office space. Three years ago Archpriest John Voloshchuk bought a plot of land and construction of their new church began.
Thanksgiving at Saint George in Lorain, Ohio
5. December 2013 - 12:24As it says in Psalm 136, “O give thanks unto the LORD for he is good; for His mercy endures forever.” For the second year in a row, the St George Serbian Orthodox Parish in Lorain, Ohio has given thanks to God by offering a Thanksgiving meal for the neediest in our community.
St George Community Outreach Coordinator, Valerie Bihary, organized multiple families in the St George parish to prepare, cook and serve this holiday meal in Lorain County’s only 24 hour emergency shelter. The parish responded to her request by prepping enough food and dessert for multiple days worth of meals!
Church slava celebrated in Columbus
5. December 2013 - 12:21Saint Stefan of Dechani, Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus, Ohio celebrated its Slava on Sunday, November 24th 2013. Divine Liturgy started at 10:00 a.m. and was followed with the blessing of the Kolac and Koljivo.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej in Kassel
5. December 2013 - 11:56On Monday, 2 December 2013 in morning hours Serbian Patriarch Irinej visited Orthodox Serbs and his church of Holy Emperor Lazar in Kassel.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej was welcomed by the Serbs from this town along with priest Simon Turkic from Frankfurt, the administrator of the parish. Presbyters Aleksandar Perkovic and Bosko Janjic served the parish. Serbian Patriach had a long talk with priests and the Administration. Episcopal dean protopresbyter-stavrophor was attended by protopresbyter-stavrophor Milan Pejic.