Serbian Orthodox Church

Memorial service at Zeitenlik

Memorial service at Zeitenlik
Memorial service at Zeitenlik
Memorial service at Zeitenlik
Memorial service at Zeitenlik

Metropolitan of Neapolis and Stavroupolis Barnabas served the memorial service for the suffered Serbian officers and soldiers in the First World War  at Zeitenlik in Thessaloniki on 28 September 2013. Minister of Culture Mr. Ivan Tasovac, as an envoy of the Government of Serbia, attended the memorial service. 

At the memorial chapel at Zeitenlik abbot of the monastery of Hilandar Archimandrite Methodius celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in attendance of Metropolitan Barnabas of Neapolis and Stavroupolis, Minister of Macedonia and Tracia Mr. Teodor Karaoglu, envoy of the Government of the Republic of Greece; Minister of Labour and Social Politics of the Republic of Srpska Mr. Petar Djokic, Chief of Staff of the Army of the Republic of Greece General Michail Kotsarokos, head of the region of the Central Macedonia Mr. Antonio Bamiyajis, Consul General of Serbia, representatives of the army, police, politics and diplomatic authorities, as well as lots of people. 

Prayerful remembrance on Serbian New Martyrs in village of Cate

Prayerful remembrance on Serbian New Martyrs in village of Cate
Prayerful remembrance on Serbian New Martyrs in village of Cate
Prayerful remembrance on Serbian New Martyrs in village of Cate
Prayerful remembrance on Serbian New Martyrs in village of Cate

His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Bihac-Petrovac consecrated foundations of a new church - memorial chapel to Serbian New Martyrs Vera, Nada, Ljubava and their mother Sofija in the hamlet of Cate in the presence of many believers,  in the village of Vodica, nearby Strojica on 28 September 2013. 

Local clergy concelebrated to the Bishop. The construction of this memorial chapel was initiated by descendants and families of the killed Serbs in fall 1941, and especially owing to the voluntary and unselfish effort of Dr Stojan Cate from Cata in Vodica, who is descendant himself of these 54 innocently killed Serbs in this village. 

Serbian Patriarch serves on Zvezdara

Serbian Patriarch serves on Zvezdara
Serbian Patriarch serves on Zvezdara
Serbian Patriarch serves on Zvezdara
Serbian Patriarch serves on Zvezdara

On the first Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch celebrated the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in the church of Holy Great Martyr Prince Lazar on Zvezdara

Protopresbyter-stavrophor Dragoslav Stikic and protopresbyter Mirko Vidacak, head of the church; with deacons Miroslav Nikolic, Ivica Cairovic and Dragan Tanasijevic concelebrated to the Patriarch.

Patronal feast day of the Municipality of Zemun

Celebration of the patronal feast day (slava) of the Municipality of Zemun, the Elevation of the Holy Cross, began with the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch at the church of Saint Nicholas of Myra 

The procession, led by Serbian Patriarch, went through streets of Zemun. About five hundred citizens attended the rite of cutting the slava cake and the solemn sermon of Serbian Patriarch. 

Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross solemnly celebrated at Vozdovac church

Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross solemnly celebrated at Vozdovac church
Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross solemnly celebrated at Vozdovac church
Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross solemnly celebrated at Vozdovac church
Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross solemnly celebrated at Vozdovac church

On the feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross at the church of Sts. Emperor Constantine and Helen the patronal feast day of the choir was solemnly celebrated 

His Grace Bishop Jovan of Ulpiana, Vicar to the Serbian Patriarch, celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of protopresbyter-stavrophor Branko Topalovic, episcopal dean of Belgrade II; protopresbyter-stavrophor Nedeljko Marjanovic, head of the church; protopresbyter Djordje Popovic, presbyter Sladjan Vlajic, military priest; protodeacon Radomir Rakic and deacon Vladislav Golic.