Serbian Orthodox Church
Procession on the feast day of Saint Petka in Podgorica
28. October 2013 - 15:45On the eve of the feast day of Saint Petka at the Cathedral church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Amfilohije served the Divine Liturgy
The choir of Saint Mark the Apostle and the Evangelist from Podgorica and the chor of the Cetinje Seminary sang responses. After the end of the Liturgy, the Saint Petka Day's procession went through streets of Podgorica with more than thousand citizens. The procession was organized seven days after the first "pride" parade, by the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral for Montenegrin honor, sanctity of marriage and having children. The procession, with the protection from the relics of Saint Petka, began at the Cathedral Church of the Resurrection of Christ and went through the center of the city.
Magnificent celebration of Saint Petka on Cukarica
28. October 2013 - 9:58The feast day of Venerable mother Parascheva was solemnly celebrated with the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church at Cukarica dedicated to this great saint
His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of the local priests. The choir of this church Saint Joachim and Anna sang responses.
Pan-Orthodox magnificent slava days of togetherness and spirituality
28. October 2013 - 9:22Despite the heavy rains and bad weather in Johannesburg on 19 and 20 October, when the patron feast-day was celebrated, a great number of parishioners, guests and priests visited the church of Saint Thomas the Apostle.
After almost five arid and dry months in Johannesburg, we all spontaneously felt the three-day intensive rain as a great blessing of God and Saint Thomas the Apostle, as well as the blessing of our Patriarch and the dearest guest, His Grace Bishop David of Stobi.
Diplomats of European Union visit Bishop Atanasije of Bihac-Petrovac
24. October 2013 - 9:16Chief of the Political of the Office of the special representative of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Thomas Busch, Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic Mr. Slavomir Goga and the head of the diplomatic bureau of Belgium Mr. Jean-Pierre Biebuyk visited yesterday Bishop Atanasije at the Diocesan court in Bosanski Petrovac.
It was planned that Ambassador of the European Union led this visit personally by himself, but unexpectedly he could not make it, so Mr. Thomas Busch led. The guests and the Bishop discussed about general issues of life on the territory of the Diocese of Bihac-Petrovac which covers Una-Sana and Livanj cantons.
Bishop David of Stobi serves in Johannesburg
24. October 2013 - 8:53His Grace Bishop David of Stobi and locum tenens of Strumice visited Johanessburg on the occasion of the church slava and 35th anniversary of the jubilee of the church of Saint Thomas the Apostle, which dean is archimandrite Pantaleon
On 16 October, His Eminence Metropolitan Damascinos of Johanessburg and Pretoria from the Patriarchate of Alexandria received His Grace Bishop David of Stobi and in his honor the doxology was served. Bishop David conveyed the greetings of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej and informed Metropolitan with the sufferings that His Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje Jovan endures.
Consecration of the church of Saint Petka in Pozarevac
23. October 2013 - 9:29
The church of Saint Petka consecrated in Pozarevac, in Busije, on 20 October 2013 in the presence of a few hundred believers
His Grace Bishop Ignjatije of Branicevo consecrated the church and officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishops: Irinej of Backa, Jovan of Sumadija, Justin of Timok, Grigorije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and David of Krusevac.