Serbian Orthodox Church
Orthodox Paretnt Breakfast Forum
23. November 2012 - 10:58Eastern Diocese Seminar on The Crisis of Marriage in Today’s Society
23. November 2012 - 10:10His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan is committed to continued education seminars for clergy of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Seminars have been held for clergy on a regular basis since at least October 1993 when +Very Re v. Stavrofor Dr. Nedeljko Grgurevich was the featured speaker.
Audience - 22 November 2012
23. November 2012 - 10:03His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch met with Mrs. Zorana Mihajlovic, the Minister of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection in the Government of the Republic of Serbia with her associates on 22 November 2012 at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade.
St. George Lorain shares their blessings this Thanksgiving
23. November 2012 - 10:02This Thanksgiving Saint George Serbian Orthodox Church gave thanks to God by sharing their blessings with their local Lorain community. 8 members of the parish, including Fr Aleksa Pavichevich and his mother Barbara Pavichevich, Kim and Kata Malobabic, Kathy and Farrah Fritsch, and Dee Dee and Anna Tumbas donated their time this Holiday season serving dinner at the Haven Shelter.
Audiences at Serbian Patriarchate – 20 November 2012
22. November 2012 - 14:15His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received on 20 November 2012, at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade, His Grace Marko, Bishop of Bregalnica and Locum Tenens of Bitolj, and His Grace David, Bishop of Stobi and Locum Tenens of Strumica.