Solemn welcome of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej in Damascus

Solemn welcome of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej in Damascus
Solemn welcome of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej in Damascus
Solemn welcome of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej in Damascus
Solemn welcome of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej in Damascus

His Holiness Irinej arrived in Damascus, the capital of Syria on 1 june 2019.

His Holiness Patriarch Irinej and the delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church were welcomed in the most solemn way by His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and All East with hierarchs of the ancient Patriarchate of Antioch and the pious people of the Syrian capital.

The Serbian Patriarch paying an irenic visit to the Patriarch of Antioch

The Serbian Patriarch Irinej is paying an official (irenic) visit to Patriarch John of Antioch and All the East and the Patriarchate of Antioch from May 31 until 8 June 2019. The honorable entourage of the Serbian Patriarch consists of Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, Bishop Jovan of Sumadija, Archimandrite Damaskin (Grabez), protopresbyter-staurophor Bozo Bakajlic, protodeacon Damjan Bozic, deacon Vladimir Rumenic and hypodeacon Dejan Nakic.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest

Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest
Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest
Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest
Serbian Patriarch Irinej ceremoniously received in Budapest

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej arrived to the church of Saint Great-martyr  George  in Budapest, in the evening on Friday, May 24, 2019, where he was welcomed by Bishop Lukian of Buda with clergy and a great number of people, who gathered to greet their  Archhierarch.

His Grace Bishop Dr. Irinej of Bachka and his Vicar Bishop Isihije of Mohacs were distinguished members of the high delegation visiting the Diocese of Buda.

The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest

The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest
The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest
The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest
The Serbian Patriarch visited Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, visited the Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest on 25 May 2019, where he was greeted  by Bishop Snell György who informed the high guest and his delegation about the history of this famous basilica and presented him the saintly life of its patron, the first Hungarian Christian king Stephen.

On the same day, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Hungary Mr. Ivan Todorov arranged a reception for the Serbian Pariarch and the members of the Church delegation, Bishop Lukijan of Buda and Vicar Bishop Isihije of Mohacs, at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Budapest. The reception was attended also by Secretary General of the President of Serbia Mr. Nikola Selakovic, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities Mr. Mileta Radojevic and lieutenant colonel Dusko Djekic, military attaché of the Republic of Serbia to Hungary.

Patriarch visited the Serbian school in Budapest

Patriarch visited the Serbian school in Budapest
Patriarch visited the Serbian school in Budapest
Patriarch visited the Serbian school in Budapest
Patriarch visited the Serbian school in Budapest

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, visited the Serbian Primary and the High school “Nikola Tesla” in Budapest on 27 May 2019.

His Holiness was greeted by pupils, teachers, professors and the principal of the school, Professor Dr. Jovanka Lastic, who made the Patriarch  known with the circumstances in which the school functions and its curriculum. The Patriarch talked to pupils about the significance of education and preservation of the Serbian identity.